What is the conflict between Palestine and Israel for kids?

What is the conflict between Palestine and Israel for kids?

The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is a battle that is still going on between the State of Israel and the Palestinians. It forms part of the wider Arab–Israeli conflict. It is a dispute between two groups of people with claims over the same area of land.

What is the Arab Israeli conflict for kids?

The Arab–Israeli conflict is a term used to describe the political tensions and open hostilities between the Arab countries of the Middle East and North Africa and the State of Israel. The conflict has been around since 1948.

What is the reason for the conflict in Gaza?

Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank say they are suffering because of Israeli actions and restrictions. Israel says it is only acting to protect itself from Palestinian violence. The threatened eviction of some Palestinian families in East Jerusalem has also caused rising anger.

What is the root cause of conflict?

It is an attempt to settle, by violence, disputes over political power, territorial and ethnic issues, and societal stresses such as injustice and poverty. It is vital to address the roots of conflict.

Why is there conflict between Israel and the Palestinians?

Sources of conflict between Israelis and Palestinians include ancient claims by each party to the same land, Ottoman changes to laws regarding the title and ownership of land, and the establishment of Israel as a sovereign state.

Can there be peace between Israel and Palestine?

Israel-Palestine Peace Is Possible . Protracted conflicts are protracted for a reason. They involve deeply-held grievances; ethnic, religious or ideological animosities; territorial disputes; boundary issues; political power struggles; clashes over the distribution of wealth; and competing narratives; among other factors.

Is Palestine Israel and what is the difference?

Israelis are Citizens of Israel while Palestenians are people descending from families that have been living in Palestine before 1947. 2. Israelis are mostly Jews while the Palestenians mostly Sunni Muslims.

What is the deal between Palestine and Israel?

The “Declaration of Principles” was the first agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians towards ending their conflict and sharing the holy land between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea that they both claim as their homeland.

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