What is the current price of an AR-15?

What is the current price of an AR-15?

The average cost of an ar-15 is $800. Most range in price from $1,200 TO $750. A basic AR rifle should cost around $700, and a high-end model costs around $1,100.

Did Olympic arms go out of business?

“After more than 40 years of business, it is with great sorrow that we announce that February 28th, 2017 will be the last day of operation for Olympic Arms, Inc,” noted the company on social media, January 26, 2017.

Are Olympic Arms AR-15 mil spec?

AR-15, AR15 or M16 Buttstock, Olympic Arms $84.00 $74.95 On Sale! Standard, mil-spec trapdoor buttstock assembly.

Where are Olympic Arms made?

was founded by Robert C. Schuetz, and began as Schuetzen Gun Works (SGW) in 1956, manufacturing barrels in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Is an AR-15 a military grade weapon?

Is the AR-15 a military grade weapon? No, because it lacks select fire capability. AR-15 is a civilian version of military’s M16 and M4 Assault Rifles.

What does AR mean Olympics?

OR = Olympic Record. CR = Championship Record. GR = Games Record. PR = Paralympic Games Record. AR = Area (or continental) Record.

How much does an Olympic Arms AR15 cost?

Recently Sold OLYMPIC ARMS AR15 rifle PRICE: $1,358.00 MANUFACTURER: Olympic Arms CONDITION: New Old Stock MODEL: CAR-15 SOLD: 4 weeks ago UPC: LOCATION: Barboursville, WV 25504 SKU: G-102856-5 BDN 07/15/2021 CALIBER: 5.56mm Nato MANF. PART #:

Where to buy an AR-15?

While we will sell/order the customer whatever he/she wants, our first recommendation is always Olympic Arms. There are some big name companies that started making AR type rifles in response to the AR15’s current popularity but we believe you are paying more for a “NAME” and are not getting a better product.

Why buy an opolympic arms rifle?

Olympic Arms is the oldest continuous manufacturer of civilian AR15 style rifles in America. We are TRUE manufacturers, and produce 100% US made rifles with no imported parts. We have been in business under the same ownership, at the same location for nearly 40 years. No other AR brand name can make such a claim.

Are there other calibers available for the Olympic Arms AR-series rifles?

Olympic Arms also manufactures several other calibers for the AR-series of rifles. For more information, please visit Olympic Arms Rifles Homepage. This item is currently out of stock.

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