What is the default font-family name?

What is the default font-family name?

In the last example, “Gill” and “Helvetica” are font families. In the example above, the last value is a generic family name. The following generic families are defined: ‘serif’ (e.g., Times)…15.3. 1.5 monospace.

Latin fonts Courier, MS Courier New, Prestige, Everson Mono
Cherokee fonts Everson Mono

How do I change the default font-family in bootstrap?

How to Change the Bootstrap Font Family for All Headlines. Add a google font stylesheet below the Bootstrap CSS stylesheet. Add this to your theme stylesheet to override Bootstrap’s default values.

What are the two font-family names?

There are two types of font family names:

  • family-name – The name of a font-family, like “times”, “courier”, “arial”, etc.
  • generic-family – The name of a generic-family, like “serif”, “sans-serif”, “cursive”, “fantasy”, “monospace”.

What is default font family in Android?

Roboto (/roʊˈbɒt. oʊ/) is a neo-grotesque sans-serif typeface family developed by Google as the system font for its mobile operating system Android, and released in 2011 for Android 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich”.

Is sans-serif same as Roboto?

Compared to Android’s previous system font, the humanist sans-serif Droid, Roboto belongs to the neo-grotesque genre of sans-serif typefaces. It includes Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, and Black weights with matching oblique styles rather than true italics.

Which is the default form in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap provides three types of form layouts: Vertical form (this is default) Horizontal form. Inline form.

What is the default size of h3 in Bootstrap?

Default Font Sizes in Bootstrap 4

HTML Tag / CSS Class Font Size in rem Font Size in Pixel
h1, .h1 2.5rem 40px
h2, .h2 2rem 32px
h3, .h3 1.75rem 28px
h4, .h4 1.5rem 24px

What is the difference between font family and font style?

And a “font family” represents a collection of related fonts, such as bold and italic variations of the same “typeface” or “font”. In summary, in common terminology, typeface (aka font) means the design, font means the file containing the typeface, and font-family means collection of related fonts.

What is the correct order to specify a font family?

The font-family property lists one or more font families, separated by commas. Each font family is specified as either a or a value.

What is the default font for Bootstrap?

Bootstrap’s Default Settings. Bootstrap’s global default font-size is 14px, with a line-height of 1.428. This is applied to the and all paragraphs. In addition, all elements have a bottom margin that equals half their computed line-height (10px by default).

What is font family?

A font family is a set of fonts that have a common design. Fonts within a family, however, differ from each other in style such as the weight (light, normal, bold, semi-bold, etc.) and the slant (roman or upright, italic and oblique).

What is the font family?

A font family is also referred to as a typeface, and it represents a collection of all the fonts that share the same similar characteristics in design. The fonts that are part of the same family can vary in size, weight, and style, but have the same essential design.

What is jQuery Bootstrap?

Jquery is a Curry with J , bootstrap is a strap with boots 🙂 🙂 Jquery is a client side open source scripting library written in Java Script . Boostrap is a web dev twitter framework to design lucrative and responsive HTML , it brings CSS , Images, Icons ,Java Script plugins and Reusable UI Components like modals, tables etc.

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