What is the function of the reliquary statue of Sainte Foy?

What is the function of the reliquary statue of Sainte Foy?

The function of both works is associated with movement. The reliquary of Sainte-Foy is associated with a destination to which pilgrims travel. The reliquary is a fixed object in a specific location: a pilgrimage church on a known and traveled route.

What is the reliquary of Sainte Foy?

The reliquary at Conques held the remains of Saint Foy, a young Christian convert living in Roman-occupied France during the second century. At the age of twelve, she was condemned to die for her refusal to sacrifice to pagan gods, she is therefore revered as a martyr, as someone who dies for their faith.

Where was the reliquary of Sainte Foy originally located?

The Holy Theft The reliquary of Sainte Foy was originally located in a monastery in Agen. In the eighth century, a group of monks (who would later establish the Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy) fled from Spain to Conques, France, hoping to escape from the Saracens (Arab Muslims).

Who made the church of Sainte Foy?

Abbot Odolric
The present Romanesque church construction started under the guidance of Abbot Odolric (1031-1065) on the setting of a 10th century basilica. The first campaigns of work concerned the lower parts of the apse and the minor apses, using the special red sandstone from Combret quarry in the Dourdou valley.

What was the purpose of the ambulatory at Sainte Foy?

The Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy in Conques, France, was a popular stop for pilgrims traveling the Way of St. James to Santiago de Compostela, in what is now Spain. The main draw for medieval pilgrims at Conques were the remains of Sainte-Foy, a young woman martyred during the fourth century.

What is Church of Sainte Foy made of?

The reliquary is made of wood but gold-covered, and the statue is luxurious, with the gold and gemstones sparkling in the light. Sainte Foy is sitting, with her arms outstretched, staring forward at the viewer, and her blank stare reflects the spiritual transcendence from life on Earth.

Where is the church of Sainte Foy?

Located in Conques, the Church of Saint-Foy (Saint Faith) is an important pilgrimage church on the route to Santiago de Compostela in Northern Spain. It is also an abbey, meaning that the church was part of a monastery where monks lived, prayed and worked.

When was the church of Saint Foy built?

A church had stood on the spot since the 600s; the Church of Sainte-Foy was built from 1050-1130.

What is the Church of Sainte Foy made of?

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