What is the function of the spermatheca?

What is the function of the spermatheca?

In the female insect, the spermatheca is an ectodermal organ responsible for receiving, maintaining, and releasing sperm to fertilize eggs.

Where is the spermatheca located?

Spermathecal Structure The spermathecae vary considerably in their overall structure from insect to insect, but as outgrowths of the median oviduct, they are all ectodermal in origin and produce a cuticular lining. They generally arise from the median oviduct near or on the genital chamber (Fig. 1).

What is spermatheca in bees?

Spermatheca of honey bee queen. Spermatheca (plural: spermathecae), also called receptaculum seminis, is a circular sack which is connected with oviduct by spermathecal duct (ductus spermaticus). It is fully developed only in queens. In workers it is vestigial and non functional even in laying workers [2].

Do all insects have spermatheca?

Most insects have one spermatheca, although the number varies among taxa. The morphology of the spermatheca varies according to insect species. The spermatheca has the following parts: duct, reservoir and spermathecal gland.

What is male Gonopore in cockroach?

The male reproductive system of cockroach consists of a pair of testes. The testes lie on each lateral side in the 4th – 6th abdominal segments. A thin vas deferens arises from each testis. The ejaculatory duct opens into male gonopore which is situated ventral to anus.

Is spermatheca paired in cockroach?

Answer: (a) Cockroach (b) Four pairs of spermathecae are present 6-9th segments.

What is the significance of spermatheca in a queen?

bees. …a structure known as the spermatheca, which allows them to control the fertilization of their eggs. Thus queens can lay eggs that are either unfertilized or fertilized.

What are the advantage of the spermatheca in an insect?

… Female insects may store spermatozoa in the spermatheca after mating (Pascini and Martins 2017). The spermatheca protects spermatozoa against mechanical damage and contact with the hemolymph and provides a suitable environment that ensures their nourishment, long-term storage, and viability (Klenk et al.

What is another name for spermatheca?

receptaculum seminis
The spermatheca, also called receptaculum seminis, is an organ of the female reproductive tract in insects, some molluscs, oligochaeta worms and certain other invertebrates and vertebrates.

Is Spermatheca present in male cockroach?

A) 6th abdominal segment of male. B) Hint: The spermatheca is an ectodermal organ responsible for receiving, maintaining, and releasing sperm to fertilize eggs. …

What is Spermatheca in female cockroach?

Complete Answer: The spermatheca is an ectodermal organ responsible for receiving, maintaining, and releasing sperm to fertilize eggs. Generally, the spermatozoa are stored in a spermathecal bulb that is associated with a muscular duct, which controls spermatozoa release.

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