What is the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation?

What is the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation?

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) represents the collective Inuvialuit interests in dealings with governments and the world. The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation exists to continually improve the economic, social and cultural well-being of the Inuvialuit.

Where is Inuvialuit located?

western Arctic
Located in Canada’s western Arctic, the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) refers to the area covered under the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA). The ISR was designated in 1984 in the IFA for the Inuvialuit people by the Government of Canada.

Is Inuvialuit an Inuit?

The Inuvialuit (sing. Inuvialuk; the real people) or Western Canadian Inuit are Inuit people who live in the western Canadian Arctic region. They, like all other Inuit, are descendants of the Thule who migrated eastward from Alaska. The land was demarked in 1984 by the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.

How many Inuvialuit are there?

A New Balance. In 1984, the Inuvialuit signed The Inuvialuit Land Agreement with the Federal Government, giving them legal title over their territory. And they now number, once more, about 2500 people, and live in modern towns and villages with frame houses, snowmobiles, and VCRs.

What is the difference between Inuit and Inuvialuit?

Inuit is the collective term for the different groups of Indigenous peoples who originally inhabited the northernmost regions of Canada, Alaska and Greenland. Inuvialuit means “the real people” and is the term for Inuit who live in the western Canadian Arctic.

When was Nunavut created?

Created in 1999 out of the eastern portion of the Northwest Territories, Nunavut encompasses the traditional lands of the Inuit, the indigenous peoples of Arctic Canada (known as Eskimo in the United States); its name means “Our Land” in Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit.

What is the meaning of Inuvialuit?

The Inuvialuit or Western Canadian Inuit are Inuit people who live in the western Canadian Arctic region. They, like all other Inuit, are descendants of the Thule who migrated eastward from Alaska.

When was Inuvialuit created?

The Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) came into effect on July 25, 1984 and was the first land claim agreement settled in the NWT. The IFA defines the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), which covers approximately 435,000 square kilometres in the Mackenzie Delta, Beaufort Sea, and Amundsen Gulf area.

What is the Inuits main occupation?

The main occupations of Eskimos are hunting & fishing. Eskimos hunt caribou, musk ox, and other animals.

Who were Métis?

The Métis people originated in the 1700s when French and Scottish fur traders married Aboriginal women, such as the Cree, and Anishinabe (Ojibway). Their descendants formed a distinct culture, collective consciousness and nationhood in the Northwest. Distinct Métis communities developed along the fur trade routes.

Why did Canada want Nunavut?

The creation of Nunavut allowed for a native controlled government that would be in control of their own society and their own needs[23]. Through this, the native population could better help their society recover from centuries of oppression and improve the situation of their people.

What was Nunavut called previously?

the Northwest Territories
The creation of Nunavut in 1999 (the region was previously part of the Northwest Territories) represented the first major change to the political map of Canada since the incorporation of Newfoundland into Confederation in 1949.

What does the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation do?

The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation exists to continually improve the economic, social and cultural well-being of the Inuvialuit. Make sure to stop by the IRC Craft Shop, where you can find locally made Inuvialuit clothing, antler and soapstone carvings, and much more.

What is Inuvialuit energy security project?

IESP is the Inuvialuit Energy Security Project. Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) has established a policy that outlines the eligibility criteria to be listed as an Inuvialuit business on the Inuvialuit Business List (IBL). The criteria includes requirements relating to Inuvialuit ownership, physical presence and operational capacity.

Who owns the Inuvialuit reindeer herd?

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) is pleased to announce new ownership of our reindeer herd. This exciting news is part of long effort made by IRC under its commitment to strengthen food… The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) is aware that the Reindeer herd is in the East Whitefish area, Richards Island, and along the Inuvik- Tuk Highway.

How many people live in Inuvik?

The town is home to over half the people living in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region with a population of around 3,400. Established in 1958, Inuvik was the first planned community above the Arctic Circle. It was built after the government decided a new administrative centre was needed because of flooding threats in nearby Aklavik.


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