What is the meaning of Siddhar?
The Siddhar (Tamil: சித்தர் cittar, from Sanskrit: siddha) in Tamil tradition is a perfected individual, who has attained spiritual powers called siddhi. Historically, Siddhar also refers to the people who were early age wandering adepts that dominated ancient Tamil teaching and philosophy.
Who was the first Siddhar?
Agathiyar : Agathiyar is considered as the first siddhar and the Founder of the Literature of Tamil. The first Tamil grammar he compiled was called Agathiyam. He is believed to be Lord Siva’s direct disciple.
How many Siddhar are there in Tamilnadu?
18 siddhars
There are 18 siddhars who are considered as the pillars of siddha medicine according to Tamil tradition.
Is Bogar alive?
Bogar/Living or Deceased
Who is Sivavakkiyar?
Sri Sivavakkiyar (sometimes Civavakkiyar) was a great Tamil Poet who lived in the period preceding the 10th Century A.D. Sivavakkiyar was an early rebel against the Brahmanic order, he was resolutely opposed to the Caste system and was opposed to idol worship and temple ceremonies.
What is Siddha medicine?
Siddha medicine, traditional system of healing that originated in South India and is considered to be one of India’s oldest systems of medicine. The Siddha system is based on a combination of ancient medicinal practices and spiritual disciplines as well as alchemy and mysticism.
Is Lao Tzu Bogar?
Kalangi Nathar decided to go into Samadhi for a very long time (for about 5000-years), and called Bogar to come to China to continue his mission. Bhoganathar who is called Laozi/Lao Tzu in China, was the successor of Kalangi Nathar (Confucius).
What is Nava Bhashanam?
Navapashanam is one of the most acclaimed Siddha elixirs known to mankind. Nava means nine and Pashanam means poisonous substance. A dark hour, a dark age where people will suffer and die from many diseases never even known to mankind, has been predicted.
What is difference between Siddha and Ayurveda medicine?
Unlike Ayurveda, which is another traditional system of Indian medicine, but which gives topmost priority to herbal treatment, Siddha medicine gives importance to the conjunctive use of plants and minerals. For simple ailments, the Siddha practitioner advises the initial use of herbs.
Who is Bogar guru?
Bogar’s guru, Kalanginaathar, is believed to be a Chinese who attained siddhi in South India and thus became included among the Eighteen Siddhars. One of his creations was the famous Murugan deity made out of Navapashanam in Palani. He worshipped the idol at the Murugan temple.
Who wrote Bogar 7000?
Selvaraj Chandrasekar
A CONCISE TREATISE ON BOGAR 7000: PART 1 by Selvaraj Chandrasekar.