What is the meaning of the French word demander?

What is the meaning of the French word demander?

ask, ask
ask, ask for, asked.

What does common Cava mean?

Como Ca Va is a French sentence which means “How are you?” It correctly spelled as ” Comment Ca Va?” But “como ca va” is how you pronunce it. Comment ca va is a less formal way to ask someone about his well-being. Comment allez vous is a formal way to ask someoe about his well being.

What’s the meaning of Comment ça va?

How is it going?
“Comment ça va” (French for “How is it going?”) is a 1983 pop song by Dutch boy band The Shorts. The song deals about a boy who meets a French girl, but they can not understand each other because they speak different languages.

Is demander a word?

1. When presented for payment: a note payable on demand. 2. [Middle English demanden, from Old French demander, to charge with doing, and from Medieval Latin dēmandāre, to demand, both from Latin, to entrust : dē-, de- + mandāre, to entrust; see man- in Indo-European roots.]

How do you use a demander in French?

Conjugating the French Verb Demander To conjugate demander, begin by identifying the verb stem: demand-. To this, we add a series of infinitive endings to match both the subject pronoun as well as the tense of the sentence. For instance, “I ask” is “je demande” and “we will ask” is “nous demanderons.”

Can you just say ca va?

The expression ça va (pronounced “sah vah”) is one of the most common phrases in French….Variations of Ça Va.

French English Translation
Ça va mal It’s going badly. I’m not doing so well.
Ça (ne) va pas It’s not going well. It’s not OK.

What is the meaning of C est la vie mon ami?

That’s life, my friend
C’est La Vie Mon Ami. (That’s life, my friend.)

What is the verb for demander?

The French verb demander means “to ask” and is used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to apologize, ask for mercy, wonder and more with this list of expressions using demander. Demander is a regular -er verb and takes regular (classic)…

What does Poser une question mean in French?

Poser une question is the French expression that means to ask a question, not demander. So when Paul approached the hotel clerk, he said, Excusez-moi, j’aimerais poser une question, meaning, ‘Excuse me, I’d like to ask a question.’ Verbs that are synonyms to demander are implorer, solliciter, and consulter.

What is the difference between Exige and demander?

For example, you could say that your professor demands a lot of homework: Il exige beaucoup de devoirs! Or, you could say that he is very demanding: Il est très exigeant. The verb demander means ‘to ask’ in English. Demander does not mean ‘to demand’; the verb exiger means ‘to demand.’

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