What is the medical definition of insanity?

What is the medical definition of insanity?

Medical Definition of insanity 1 dated : a severely disordered state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder

How do you define insanity according to Einstein?

An oft-quoted bon mot (frequently attributed to Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, or a number of other people who probably never said it) is that insanity may be defined as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Who said insanity is doing the same thing over and over?

By 1990 the saying was being attributed to Einstein. For example, the “Austin American-Statesman” of Austin, Texas published the following remark made by Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle: 14 Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

What is the definition of insane for kids?

Kids Definition of insane. 1 : not normal or healthy in mind. 2 : used by or for people who are insane an insane asylum. 3 : very foolish or unreasonable.

What does Burikko mean in Japanese?

Burikko. Burikko (ぶりっ子, sometimes rendered Burriko in English) is a Japanese term for a style of personal appearance and demeanor that is considered childish and cute, sometimes excessively so. The term was coined during the 1980s, and is sometimes attributed to Japanese comedian Kuniko Yamada, though its exact moment of invention is unclear.

Does Burikko have any sex appeal?

Even outside Japan, you might imagine some young girls doing something similar to appeal to men, but in Japan, Burikko isn’t about sex appeal so much as for the pleasure of being seen as cute and innocent. Here are some traits common to Burikko: We think you get the picture!

How safe is endoscopic aqueductoplasty with stenting?

Endoscopic aqueductoplasty with stenting presents a safe procedure. In well selected patients, it provides a long-term, stable clinical course. Aqueductoplasty alone has a high reclosure rate and should be avoided. Aqueductoplasty with stenting is the procedure of choice for the treatment of isolated fourth ventricle.

What are the surgical procedures for endoscopic aqueductoplasty?

Surgical procedures included endoscopic aqueductoplasty, endoscopic aqueductoplasty with a stent, endoscopic interventriculostomy (lateral ventricle or third ventricle to fourth ventricle), and endoscopic interventriculostomy with a stent. Operations were performed between July 1997 and June 2002.

What is heterokaryotic syncytium?

Heterokaryon. Heterokaryotic and heterokaryosis are derived terms. This is a special type of syncytium. This can occur naturally, such as in the mycelium of fungi during sexual reproduction, or artificially as formed by the experimental fusion of two genetically different cells, as e.g., in hybridoma technology .

What is a heterokaryotic cell?

A heterokaryon is a multinucleate cell that contains genetically different nuclei. Heterokaryotic and heterokaryosis are derived terms. This is a special type of syncytium. This can occur naturally, such as in the mycelium of fungi during sexual reproduction, or artificially as formed by the experimental fusion…

What is the meaning of acetous in English?

Define acetous. acetous synonyms, acetous pronunciation, acetous translation, English dictionary definition of acetous. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or producing acetic acid or vinegar. 2. Having an acetic taste; sour-tasting.

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