What is the Neer classification?

What is the Neer classification?

The concept of the Neer classification is dividing the proximal humerus into 4 segments (humeral head, greater tuberosity, lesser tuberosity, and humeral shaft) and classifying the proximal humeral fractures by the number of displaced segments.

What is a Neer 3 part fracture?

With a three-part fracture, one tuberosity is displaced and the surgical neck fracture is displaced. The remaining tuberosity is attached, which produces a rotational deformity.

What is the classification of the humerus bone?

Fast facts about the humerus Your humerus is classified as a long bone. Other types of long bones include the radius and ulna in your forearm and the femur in your upper leg. Speaking of long, the humerus is the longest bone in your arm.

What is the classification of this distal humerus fracture?

Distal Humerus Fractures

AO/OTA Classification of Distal Humerus Fractures
Type A Extra-articular (supracondylar fracture), 80% are extension type; epicondyle
Type B Intraarticular- Single column (partial articular-isolated condylar, coronal shear, epicondyle with articular extension)

What is Neer fracture?

The Neer system divides the proximal humerus into four parts and considers not the fracture line, but the displacement as being significant in terms of classification. The four parts are the humeral head, the greater tuberosity, the lesser tuberosity and the humeral shaft. Displacement is on a per-part basis.

What is a 3 part proximal humerus fracture?

3-PART FRACTURE: This is when the proximal humerus is broken into three pieces, and there are then two fracture lines on x-ray. This most often involves the greater tuberosity and the surgical neck of the humerus.

What does a fractured humerus feel like?

Symptoms of a humerus fracture Symptoms can include pain, swelling, and bruising. If the bone breaks through the skin, bleeding can occur at the site. It may be hard to move and use the shoulder, arm, or elbow as you would normally.

What causes a distal humerus fracture?

Distal humerus fractures are most often caused by: Falling directly on the elbow. Receiving a direct blow to the elbow from something hard, like a baseball bat or a dashboard or car door during a vehicle collision. Falling on an outstretched arm with the elbow held tightly to brace against the fall.

What does supracondylar fracture mean?

The humerus (HU mer us) bone is the long, thick bone in the upper arm that extends from the shoulder to the elbow. Your child’s humerus is fractured (broken) near the elbow area, just above the joint. This is called a supracondylar (supra CON dy ler) humerus fracture.

How do you treat a fractured humerus?

A humerus shaft fracture may be treated with or without surgery, depending on the fracture pattern and associated injuries (i.e., nerve injury or open fracture). A temporary splint extending from the shoulder to the forearm and holding the elbow bent at 90 degrees can be used for initial management of the fracture.

How long does it take for a proximal humerus fracture to heal?

Proximal humerus fractures typically require 6 to 8 weeks for the bone to heal, plus a period of rehabilitation of about 3 to 6 months. The goal of rehabilitation is to restore arm function and help you return to regular activities as soon as possible.

What is healing time for humerus fracture?

Healing Time and Complications of a Humeral Shaft Fracture. Healing of a mid-shaft humerus fracture takes several months but often exercises to improve the mobility of the shoulder and elbow joints are initiated much sooner. The two complications often seen are injuries to the radial nerve and nonunion of the fracture.

How painful is a broken humerus?

A broken upper arm (fractured humerus) can be extremely painful, so much so that you may feel sick, dizzy or faint. Other symptoms of a broken upper arm are: You will be unable to use your arm. Your elbow or upper arm may be swollen. Your elbow or upper arm may bruise. If it is a very severe break, your arm may be a different shape.

How to splint a humerus fracture?

Humerus shaft fracture should be stabilized using a coaptation splint. Wrap splinting material snugly from axilla to nape of neck, creating a stirrup around the elbow. Fracture reduction is usually not necessary because reduction is difficult to maintain.

What causes a spiral fracture of the humerus?

Anything that puts a lot of twisting stress or force on a long bone can cause a spiral fracture. But a few specific motions, activities, and circumstances tend to be associated with the injury.

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