What is the purpose of a Catholic youth group?

What is the purpose of a Catholic youth group?

Catholic youth work covers a worldwide range of activities carried out with young people, usually in the name of the Catholic Church and with the intention of imparting the Catholic faith to them and inviting them to practice and live out the faith in their lives.

What is Catholic youth group called?

Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), an agency of the Roman Catholic Church organized at the level of the diocese and serving youth in its religious, recreational, cultural, and social needs.

What is Edge Life Teen?

Life Teen and Edge are Catholic youth ministry programs. The programs provide a safe fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. The programs will start on Monday, September 28.

What is the mission of Catholic teenagers today?

CYO was founded in 1933 to help metropolitan Detroit’s young people live clean, wholesome lives, regardless of their religious faith, their racial or ethnic background or their day-to-day living conditions. CYO believes positive boys and girls grow into strong Christian leaders who build healthy communities.

What is the importance of youth ministry?

Investing in today’s youth is necessary in growing the body of Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with the Lord prepares them to serve Christ in all they do. As a result, this nurtures the congregation and allows the church to flourish.

Does the CYO still exist?

United States. CYO operates in many dioceses in the United States, following much the same model as in the time of its founding. CYO youth sports leagues are the most recognizable feature, and teams are typically connected to individual parishes.

What does edge stand for Catholic?

Middle School Youth Ministry
Edge : Catholic Middle School Youth Ministry.

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