What is the Rashi of bhumika?

What is the Rashi of bhumika?

Meaning of Bhumika is earth, base. Bhumika is Baby girl name and is of origin indian. Person having name Bhumika are mainly hindu by religion. Rashi of Name Bhumika is dhanu and Nakshatra is purvashada.

What is the lucky Colour of bhumika name?

Personality details of name Bhumika

Ruling Planet Moon
Negative Traits Tend to sink into Depression if not cared for
Lucky Colours White, green, cream and lavender
Lucky Days Sunday and Monday
Lucky Stones White Pearl

What is the lucky number of bhumika name?

Bhumika Name Meaning

Name: Bhumika
Meaning: ‘Earth, Base’
Urdu / Hindi : ‘ भूमिका’
Origin: ‘Hindi’
Lucky Number: ‘Bhumika lucky number is 11’

Is bhumika a good name?

Bhumika is a name that conveys a highly charged personality that attracts powerful ideas. You are diplomatic, gentle, intuitive, cooperative, and might even be a psychic. A gifted storyteller, you mesmerize others when you elaborate on the truth. You might not be aware of your powerful presence to others.

What is the meaning of Bhumika in Sanskrit?

Bhūmikā (Sanskrit: भूमिका) is derived from the word, Bhūmi, meaning earth, soil, ground or character.

What is mean by Bhumika in English?

/bhūmikā/ nf. function countable noun. The function of something or someone is the useful thing that they do or are intended to do.

What does Bhumik mean?

Land Lord
Name :Bhumik. Meaning :Land Lord, Earth, Earth, Our World.

What do you mean by Bhumika?

Bhumika. Bhūmikā (Sanskrit: भूमिका) is derived from the word, Bhūmi, meaning earth, soil, ground orcharacter.

What is the age of bhumika?

43 years (August 21, 1978)Bhumika / Age

What is the spelling of bhumika?

Correct spelling for the English word “Bhumika” is [bjˈuːmɪkə], [bjˈuːmɪkə], [b_j_ˈuː_m_ɪ_k_ə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is the synonym of role?

Synonyms of role

  • business,
  • capacity,
  • function,
  • job,
  • part,
  • place,
  • position,
  • purpose,

What is the English of Uddeshya?

/uddeshya/ mn. aim countable noun. The aim of something that you do is the purpose for which you do it.

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