What is the real occupation of Khlestakov?

What is the real occupation of Khlestakov?

That person, however, is not an inspector; it is Khlestakov, a foppish civil servant with a wild imagination. Having learned that Khlestakov has been charging his considerable hotel bill to the Crown, the Mayor and his crooked cronies are immediately certain that this upper-class twit is the dreaded inspector.

Who is the protagonist in The Government Inspector?

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, named after Saint Nikolai, was born in 1809, in the small town of Velikie Sorochintsy, in the Ukraine, then part of Russia. His parents, Maria Ivanovna and Vasily Afanasevich Gogol-Yanovsky, were landowners.

What is the problem of the play government inspector?

The play itself deals with prominent issues of its time; human corruption, bribery and dishonest bureaucracy yet these themes are still relatable today. Revised in 1842, The Government Inspector is set in Imperial Russia under the reign of its gargantuan empire. The timeless classic satirises human greed and stupidity.

What is the purpose of the Government inspector the jungle?

The government inspector who checks the slaughtered pigs for signs of tuberculosis often lets several carcasses go unchecked. Spoiled meat is specially doctored in secret before it is scattered among the rest of the meat in preparation for canning and packing.

Why is Hlestakov an important character in The Government Inspector?

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov is a central character in Nikolai Gogol’s 1836 play The Government Inspector. The mayor mistakenly believes that Khlestakov is that government inspector, and so he and his associates treat Khlestakov like royalty and provide him with bribes.

When was the government inspector written?

The Government Inspector/Date written

What does a government inspector do?

Government property inspectors and investigators make sure that government-owned properties meet legal and construction standards, and that they’re safe for residents and building tenants. These inspectors visit properties and construction sites to document issues and detail their findings and recommendations.

Who is the mayor in government inspector?

Cast of Characters ANTON ANTONOVICH, The Governor or Mayor ANNA ANDREYEVNA, his wife.

How is the government inspector a satire?

“The Government Inspector,” an entertaining satirical play, focuses on a small Russian village that learns of a secret, undercover government inspector coming for a surprise visit. When panic arises from a case of mistaken identity, the whole village spirals into a world of hysteria, disarray and greed.

Who gets the money for Ona’s funeral?

Teta Elzbieta comes home. She has gotten the money for Ona’s mass. Teta Elzbieta sits next to Jurgis and pleads with him. She begs Jurgis to pull himself together, get a job, and help the family.

What is the plot of the jungle?

The main plot of The Jungle follows Lithuanian immigrant Jurgis Rudkus, who came to the United States in the hope of living the American dream, and his extended family, which includes Ona, Jurgis’s wife; Elzbieta, Ona’s stepmother; Elzbieta’s six children; Marija, Ona’s cousin; and Dede Rudkus, Jurgis’s father.

Who is the character of the government inspector you would like to portray?

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov is a central character in Nikolai Gogol’s 1836 play The Government Inspector. He is a poor civil servant who arrives in a small Russian town and is charging his stay to the government. This sets off a series of events that satirize corruption in Russia at the time.

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