What is the scale pattern in hair?
There are three basic scale structures that make up the cuticle—coronal (crown-like), spinous (petal-like), and imbricate (flattened). Combinations and variations of these types are possible.
Where are scale patterns found in hair?
Spinous or petal-like scales are triangular in shape and protrude from the hair shaft. They are found at the proximal region of mink hairs and on the fur hairs of seals, cats, and some other animals. They are never found in human hairs.
What are the 6 types of hairs that can be found on humans?
Forensic scientists distinguish six types of hair on the human body: (1) head hair, (2) eyebrows and eyelashes, (3) beard and mustache hair, (4) underarm hair, (5) auxiliary or body hair, and (6) pubic hair. Each hair type has its own shape and characteristics.
What are the different medulla patterns?
Absent, Fragmental and Continuous. In the Present Study medulla has been classified into Absent, Fragmented, Discontinuous and Continuous types (Photo attached).
What are 5 different things that hair analysis can be helpful in determining?
If the hair is from a human, the examiner will determine the part of the body from which it originated. Some of the features that the examiner uses include length, shape, size, color, stiffness, curliness, pigmentation, and the appearance of the medulla.
Which pattern of scale is more common in animal hair?
Representative diagram showing different scale patterns found on hairs: a, an imbricate scale pattern is unique to human; b, spinuous; c, coronal patterns are observed on animal hairs.
What is a coarse hair structure?
Coarse hair can be identified by a thick hair shaft. This hair texture has the widest and largest circumference of any other. Unlike thin or medium hair, coarse hair contains all three layers of the hair shaft — cortex, cuticle, and medulla. If the hair strand is thicker than the thread, you have coarse hair.
What are the three medullary patterns?
What are the three medullary patterns? Continuous, interrupted, and fragmented.
What is a solid medulla pattern?
Describe a solid medulla pattern. Pigmented area filling both the medulla and the cortex. Describe a stacked medulla pattern. appears stacked horizontally (animal)
What are the three major types of hair analysis?
Forensic scientists perform 3 major types of hair analysis: (1) testing the hair shaft for drugs or nutritional deficiencies in a person’s system, (2) analyzing DNA collected from the root of the hair, and (3) viewing hair under a microscope to determine if it’s from a particular person or animal.
What is the scale pattern of the cuticle in human hair?
The scale pattern of the cuticle in human hairs is routinely imbricate. Animal hairs exhibit more variable scale patterns. The shape of the hair shaft is also more variable in animal hairs.
How do you memorize a major scale pattern?
Major Scale Pattern 5. For a start, you should begin by committing patterns 1, 4 and 5 to your memory. The end goal is to fully memorize all of the 5 scale patterns as they come in handy during improvisation and soloing.
How do you apply a scale sequence to a triad?
Many scale-sequence patterns can also be applied to triads and basic 7th arpeggios. FIGURE 7 ascends the G major scale via a sawtooth sequence of harmonized triads. The pattern simply rolls up one triad (from the root) and then down the other (from the 5th), in diatonic succession (G-Am-Bm-C-D-Em-B˚) up the scale pattern.
What is the Hamilton classification of male pattern hair loss?
Figure 1 Hamilton classification of male pattern hair loss. Type III has not been included in this figure as a large variety of conditions were included in this type[2] Type I: There is an absence of bilateral recessions along the anterior border of the hairline in the frontoparietal regions.