What is the term that means breaking a law?
synonyms for breaking of the law breach. crime. error. fault. infraction.
What is another word for law breaking?
What is another word for lawbreaking?
crime | breach |
misconduct | infraction |
peccadillo | malfeasance |
contravention | iniquity |
illegality | villainy |
What is the meaning of Con Con?
1 : an argument or evidence in opposition. 2 : the negative position or one holding it an appraisal of the pros and cons. con.
What are the synonyms of answer?
Some common synonyms of answer are rejoinder, reply, response, and retort. While all these words mean “something spoken, written, or done in return,” answer implies the satisfying of a question, demand, call, or need.
What is the synonym of infringe?
Some common synonyms of infringe are encroach, invade, and trespass. While all these words mean “to make inroads upon the property, territory, or rights of another,” infringe implies an encroachment clearly violating a right or prerogative.
What is the meaning of Prons?
The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision. They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm. Motherhood has both its pros and cons. See full dictionary entry for pro.
What is the full meaning of OFR?
The Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) is one of two orders of merit, established by the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1963.
What is the law on single-use plastic carrier bags?
The law requires large shops in England to charge 5p for all single-use plastic carrier bags. Charging started on 5 October 2015. We want to reduce the use of single-use plastic carrier bags, and the litter they can cause, by encouraging people to reuse bags.
What is the 5p bag scheme and how does it work?
The aim is to reduce litter and protect wildlife, but it’s open to confusion because there are exemptions. Retailers with 250 or more full-time equivalent employees will have to charge a minimum of 5p for the bags – the retailer is then encouraged (not forced) to give the money made to local causes.
How can we reduce the use of single-use carrier bags?
We want to reduce the use of single-use carrier bags, and the litter they can cause, by encouraging people to reuse bags. From 21 May 2021 the charge for single-use carrier bags increased to a minimum of 10p and was extended to all retailers.
How has the single-use carrier bag charge made a difference?
The single-use carrier bag charge has made a big difference. Since we introduced the scheme, the number of bags sold by major supermarkets has gone down by more than 95% in England. We publish a summary which includes the results reported to us by retailers.