What is Wei Qi booster used for?
In TCVM, Wei Qi Booster is used to strengthen Qi, blood, Yin, Yang, and enhance the immune function. It is designed for treatment of chronic illness, chronic infection, anemia, post chemotherapy and radiation, improve general health and prevention of upper respiratory infection.
What does Stasis Breaker do?
Stasis Breaker alleviates your dog’s imbalances and soothes the painful symptoms of illness and disease at the same time. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Stasis Breaker heals by: Breaking Blood stasis. Softens the hardness of tumors.
Can Chinese herbs shrink tumors in dogs?
Chinese herbs are not a cure for cancer in pets (particularly when used alone). However, in some situations (such as Yunnan Bai Yao for dogs with bleeding cancers), it can be helpful. Speak to your veterinarian before using TCM (such as Yunnan Bai Yao), other alternative medicines and supplements.
What is Yunnan Baiyao for dogs?
Yunnan Baiyao for dogs is one of the best-known Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbal supplements. Many veterinarians use it to control bleeding in emergency situations, so it has earned a place in the treatment of dogs with certain types of cancer, such as hemangiosarcoma.
Are Chinese herbs safe for dogs?
Chinese herbs can be used alone to treat cancer as a primary therapy in cases where chemotherapy or radiation therapy would be too toxic to the animal due to age and condition. Chinese herbs are safe with little to no incidence of side-effects when prescribed by a qualified herbalist.
What is blood stasis dogs?
Pets with seizures, anxiety or aggression may be suffering from Liver Qi stagnation. These are forms of stagnation in which blood and energy have become “stuck”. Commonly, pets with these problems will have a lavender-colored tongue.
Can turmeric shrink tumors on dogs?
The curcumin in turmeric has also been shown to inhibit the growth and spread of mammary cancer cells, prevent and inhibit brain tumors, prevent the activation of mast cells by controlling inflammation and can cause apoptosis (cancer cell death) in osteosarcoma and prevent its metastasis.
How long can a dog stay on Yunnan Baiyao?
Dosing Information of Yunnan Baiyao ® for Dogs In some cases, Yunnan Baiyao is recommended for 2 to 4 days and up to 15 days. Other veterinarians recommend a treatment regimen of 5 days on and 5 days off. Daily use may be recommended for pets with terminal conditions.
What is Wei Qi booster?
Wei Qi Booster is an immune system tonic consisting of tonic and potent herbs that potentiate normal immune system function. According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, Wei Qi Booster, tonifies Qi and Blood, boosts the Wei Qi and clears Heat-toxins.
What are the ingredients in the stasis breaker formula?
The main ingredients in the Stasis Breaker Formula are: Bai Hua She She Cao (Oldenandia) to inhibit cell mutation and tumor growth. Ban Zhi Lian (Scutellaria) to clear Heat-toxin, inhibit cell mutation, and inhibit tumor growth. E Zhu (Zedoaria) to purge the interior, break Blood stasis and clear mass.
What is stasis breaker for dogs and cats?
How Stasis Breaker Helps With Tumors in Dogs, Cats, and Horses Stasis Breaker is an herbal blend for easing the symptoms of arthritis and chronic joint pain, while at the same time addressing the underlying causes of these symptoms. It’s Chinese Principles of Treatment are:
What is TCVM herbal blend stasis breaker?
The TCVM herbal blend, Stasis Breaker, treats neoplasia (new abnormal growth of tissues), nodules, and tumors. Stasis Breaker is a TCVM blend of 6 different herbs. Even though Stasis Breaker is a TCVM herbal blend, it still helps some Western diagnoses and symptoms.