What is your dream for India?

What is your dream for India?

In the India of my dreams, there will be peace and harmony. Every citizen will be literate. This is my India — a great country, a land of peace, prosperity and truthfulness where no one is afraid of speaking the truth and where there is no corruption .

Who wrote India of my dreams?

Mahatma Gandhi
India of my dreams/Authors

Where your dreams come true slogan?

(June 7, 2006) – Disney Parks announced today a global initiative, “Where Dreams Come True,” which will unify its global efforts like never before and go to the very heart of what makes Disney Parks unique.

Who said India of my dreams?

3. Gandhi, M.K. 1947. India of My Dreams.

Who bore the title Desh Ratna?

Detailed Solution. Dr. Rajendra Prasad is known as Desh Ratna.

Do dreams come true quote?

“The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.” “Dreams don’t work unless you take action. The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.”

Why India is great in English?

India is known for its heritage, spices, and of course, for people who live here. That’s the reasons India is famous for the common saying of “unity in diversity”. India is also well known as the land of spirituality, philosophy, science, and technology.

Why India is a unique country?

India is tagged as the mother of so many inventions like algebra, number zero, shampoo, chess, value of pi and diamond mining. India has nearly 90,000 types of animals including over 350 mammals, 1,200 bird species and 50,000 plant species. All these features made India a Unique Country in the World.

How can I write my dream essay in India?

India of my dreams should be a place where poor people get empowerment, face no poverty, do not starve, and get the proper roof to live. Poor kids should get an education, so they are confident in facing the world and living a successful life. There should be no gap between the rich and the poor.

What is the India of your dreams?

India of My Dreams India of my dreams [Pl] I am proud to be an Indian. This great country has rich ultra, traditions and Is a country with unity In diversity. But there are many problems facing our country. I dream of an India where every child gets food, shelter and education.

What is a good slogan for Dreams?

Dream Slogans. Dream until your dreams come true. If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. Dream, Believe, Do, Repeat. Dreams don’t work unless you do. Dreams are whispers from your soul. Dream it, wish it, do it. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.

Who is the author of India of my Dreams?

The India of My Dreams action– Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. Goes a poem written by arbitrating étagère, renowned writer, author ND poet, and more importantly, an Indian who dreamt of a better India in the future.

What is the length of the India of my Dreams essay?

The first essay is a long essay on the India Of My Dreams of 400-500 words. This long essay about India Of My Dreams is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on India Of My Dreams of 150-200 words.

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