What kind of fraternity is Beta Theta Pi?

What kind of fraternity is Beta Theta Pi?

Beta Theta Pi is the oldest of the three fraternities that formed the Miami Triad, along with Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi….

Beta Theta Pi
Founded August 8, 1839 Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), United States
Type Social
Affiliation NIC

Is Beta Theta Pi a dry fraternity?

substance-free house, we’re fully committed to our house being substance-free, whether we’re talking about planning a social event or watching game.

What is the vision of Beta Theta Pi?

Beta Theta Pi is devoted to developing men of principle for a principled life. Our vision is that all members of Beta Theta Pi live the values that we strive to uphold. These values are Mutual Assistance, Responsible Conduct, Trust, Intellectual Growth, and Integrity.

How much is Beta Theta Pi?

All collegiate and pledge members of the Fraternity are responsible for this annual fee. The $120 cost is split evenly between the fall and spring billing and refunds are granted according to the regular policies and procedures for membership.

Who was Wooglin?

“Wooglin'” refers to the spirit of the magnolia tree to the left of the court. Participants defer to the tree’s decisions for the game—if the ball hits the tree and falls back in play, it’s live.

Does Beta Theta Pi haze?

Beta Theta Pi rejects hazing as a part of fraternity life and instead emphasizes an educational experience which is morally uplifting and intellectually stimulating.

Who was the first elected president of Beta Theta Pi?

Curtis Rand
The first President of the new colony was Curtis Rand. Our chapter was granted its charter on September 6, 1916, by the 77th General Convention at the United States Hotel in Saratoga, New York.

What are Beta Theta Pi colors?

Beta Theta Pi (ΒΘΠ)

Chapter name Beta Theta Pi
Colors Light Pink and Light Blue
Symbols/Mascot Dragon
Philanthropy Sexual Assault Center of East Center
National Founding 1839

When was beta founded?

August 8, 1839
Beta Theta Pi/Founded

What is Wooglin eye?

Each Term The Eye of Wooglin Ceremony, based on the 1870 adoption of the Legend of Wooglin, provides initiated members with the opportunity to look introspectively at their own behaviors, thoughts, emotions, feelings and leadership capabilities in order to improve and continue growing as a man of principle who upholds …

How do you wear Beta Theta Pi badge?

The Beta badge is to be worn over the heart on one’s collared shirt. It is NEVER to be worn on the lapel of a blazer or suit coat. The pledge pin, similarly, is to be worn over the heart on one’s collared shirt, but if a jacket/blazer is worn, it is to be worn on the left lapel (same side of one’s heart.)

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