What languages does the air force pay extra for?

What languages does the air force pay extra for?

The Defense Department also has identified several languages as “abundant or surplus” for which sufficient strategic capability already exists. These languages are Spanish, Tagalog, Portuguese, German, Italian, Russian, Korean and French.

How much is language pay in the Air Force?

The FLPB installment rates vary from $100 to $500 per month for a single language, and up to $1,000 per month for two or more dialects or languages. The FLPB amount may not exceed $12,000 per annual certification period for any service member.

How many languages can you learn in the military?

There are lessons for 40 different languages, including lesser-known tongues like Balochi, Pashto, Hausa and Dari. The lessons are divided into two modalities (Reading and Listening) and seven learner levels. Each lesson contains 4-6 tasks.

Do you get paid for knowing Spanish in the military?

Languages such as Spanish is considered dominant in the force, which means that a lot of military service members speak it. Unfortunately, that means that they cannot get paid for it, unless serving in a billet or position in a country where Spanish is required.

Do you get paid more for being bilingual in the military?

U.S. soldiers with foreign language skills can earn up to $1000 bonus pay per month. Known as the FLPB program, it offers soldiers the opportunity to earn an extra $400 per month for one additional language and up to $1000 per month for a combination of other languages. …

Where are USAF linguists stationed?

They are attended in order as follows: Joint Base Lackland in San Antonio, TX. The Presidio of Monterey in Monterey CA. Goodfellow Air Force Base in San Angelo, Texas.

Will the Air Force teach me a language?

The U.S. Air Force, through its Air Force Culture and Language Center, encourages all airmen to become proficient in a foreign language regardless of their career or specialization.

How do I become an Air Force linguist?

If you wish to become an Air Force linguist, you first need to have a high school diploma or the equivalent certification, as this is necessary to enter the military. In addition, the Air Force requires that you have completed several college credits.

What language does the army pay for?

The US Army pays extra for soldiers proficient in certain foreign languages. The United States Army continually seeks to recruit soldiers proficient in critical target languages, such as Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Chinese, Korean and others.

What is the Air Force officer program?

Air Force Officer Training School. Officer Training School (OTS) is a United States Air Force commissioning program located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery , Alabama. It is the current de facto officer candidate school (OCS) program for the U.S. Air Force, analogous to the OCS programs operated by the other branches of the U.S. armed forces.

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