What score is a 2 1 in uni?

What score is a 2 1 in uni?

Upper Second-Class Honours (60-70%): there are two levels of second class degree. An upper second class, known as a 2:1 or two-one, is the higher of the two levels. Lower Second-Class Honours (50-60%): a 2.2 or two-two is the lower level of the second class degree.

Is a 2 1 a good grade at university?

Although there’s been a bit of grade inflation, a first or 2:1 are both considered very good degrees. UK Universities generally look for 2:1 or a first to go on for a PhD. A 2:2 is a very respectable degree, a third, well it’s stil an honours degree. A few people get non-honours pass degrees.

What is the equivalent of 2.1 grade?


Grade Equivalent Meaning
1.9 86 Good
2.0 85 Good
2.1 84 Good
2.2 83 Good

What percent is a 2.1 at uni?

Second Class Honours; Upper division (2:1, 2i or II-1) – typically 60–69% Lower division (2:2, 2ii or II-2) – typically 50–59%

Is a 2 2 a good degree?

Degree classifications First-Class Honours (First or 1st) (70% and above) Lower Second-Class Honours (2:2, 2. ii) (50-60%) Third-Class Honours (Third or 3rd) (40-50%)

What is a 2.1 degree in GPA UK?

You will be often told (or have it implied) a “2:1” (pronounced “upper second class honours” or simple “two one”) is: Equivalent to (at least) a 3.3GPA…

Is a 2.1 good enough for a Masters?

A 2.1 is still a good degree. In most universities a first is 70% and if you get put up to a 1st from a 68% onwards, you should consider yourself very lucky. If universities inflate grades in this way, they are usually only doing it to make themselves look better.

What is a 2.1 UK GPA equivalent to?

A score of B or 3.0 or 80 from a well ranked public institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of C or 2.0 or 73 is considered comparable to a UK 2.2. A Level or CAPE grades will also be considered alongside degree scores.

Is a 2.1 masters degree good?

What is a 2.1 degree UK?

Second-class honours, upper division (2.1): usually, the average overall exam score of 60%+ Second-class honours, lower division (2.2): usually, the average overall score of 50%+ Third-class honours (3rd): usually, the average overall score of 40%+

Can I do Masters with 2 2?

Can you do a Master’s with a 2.2? The short answer is yes, absolutely. Many postgraduate courses will even include a 2.2 or above in their Master’s entry requirements. Strictly speaking, you could do a Master’s with a third, or even no degree at all.

What is a 2.1 equivalent to GPA?

according to that website a 2:1 is the equivalent of 3.3-3.7 US GPA. They will view it as approximately 3.5 on a 4.0 GPA scale. A second upper class degree is an equivalent of a magna cum laude.

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