What should be included on an amalgam restoration tray?

What should be included on an amalgam restoration tray?

Terms in this set (23)

  • Spoon excavator. Remove carious dentin also to remove crowns, cement in temporary restorative, and permanent crown during try-in.
  • Enamel hatchet. Clean and smooth walls in cavity preparation.
  • Gingival margin trimmer.
  • Amalgamator.
  • Amalgam carrier.
  • Amalgam well.
  • Condenser (plugger)
  • Interproximal condenser.

What are the 4 categories for procedure tray set up?

Tray setup showing appropriate sequence of instruments: 1, Examination instruments. 2, Hand cutting instruments. 3, Restorative instruments. 4, Accessory instruments.

Which items are added to a restorative tray for a composite resin procedure?

Terms in this set (27)

  1. sand paper discs. used to trim and shape anterior composite fillings.
  2. mandrel. used to attach the sand paper disc.
  3. polishing cup, point, and disc. used to polish posterior and anterior composite fillings.
  4. Pumice and prophy cup.
  5. finishing strip.
  6. composite capsule.
  7. composite gun.
  8. flowable composite.

What is a amalgam restoration?

Amalgam Restoration Amalgam restorations have been used to restore decayed and damaged teeth for over 150 years. Most people refer to amalgam fillings as ‘silver’ fillings because of their color when first place.

What is a Class 2 restoration?

A Class II restoration has to recreate not only the natural contour of the tooth, but also the corresponding proximal contact. Many dentists consider this point, in particular, to be the most demanding part of the treatment.

Which is an example of a direct restorative dental material for a Class II restoration?

Direct restorative dental materials include amalgam, resin-based composite, glass ionomer, resin modified glass ionomer and acrylic.

What is the difference between Class II restorations with amalgam and composite?

Traditionally, Class II restorations were done with dental amalgam. Over the last 15 years, amalgam use has (obviously) sharply declined while composite use has risen higher and higher. Amalgam offered lots of advantages in Class II situations. Primarily, amalgam’s success was largely independent of contamination with oral fluids.

What are the tools used in amalgam preparation?

Condenser: To pack and condense amalgam into interproximal areas of cavity preparation To pack and condense other restorative materials Discoid-Celoid Carver: Used to carve anatomical features and trim excess materials. Ball Burnisher: To smooth amalgam after condensing To contour matrix band before placement To perform initial carving of amalgam

How do you condense an amalgam into a box?

Begin condensation using a small condenser to condense a portion of the amalgam into the proximal box area. Place pressure and condense into all line angles, as well as against the matrix band.

What is a Class II restoration cavity?

3. 3 Class II Restorations. It is defined as a cavity that is present on the proximal surfaces of premolars and molars. ( G.V .BLACK ) DEFINITION

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