What should be on a high school bucket list?

What should be on a high school bucket list?

High School Bucket List

  • Take classes you actually want to take.
  • Go to a football game!
  • Find a mentor. This can be a teacher, coach, or school counselor.
  • Participate in student government.
  • Join clubs.
  • Attend a musical.
  • Help a fundraiser.
  • Participate in a science fair.

What do teenage boys do in summer?

Summer Activities With Your Teen Boys:

  • A day at the ballgame.
  • A long walk on the beach.
  • A video game tournament.
  • Board game elimination tournament.
  • A nature walk.
  • A day at the swimming pool.
  • Day trip to the zoo or aquarium.
  • An ice cream for dinner date.

How do I have fun senior year of high school?


  1. Go to EVERY home football game.
  2. Join a club.
  3. Go to homecoming.
  4. Take a trip with your best friends.
  5. Write a time capsule letter.
  6. Go to a pep rally.
  7. Do a senior prank.
  8. Participate in Spirit Week.

What should be included in a bucket list?

Bucket List Adventures

  • Ride horses on the beach.
  • Go bungee jumping.
  • Take a hot air balloon ride.
  • Visit an elephant sanctuary.
  • Attend the Olympics.
  • Be in the Saturday Night Live audience.
  • Be in a parade float.
  • Ride a mechanical bull.

What do high school students do for fun?

Going swimming, playing video games, having sleepovers, or crafting are just a few ideas of fun activities you can do with friends. Just make sure that your socializing doesn’t get in the way of your academic work.

How do I keep my 16 year old busy?

Here are 50 ways you can give your teen positive attention:

  1. Sit down and talk about your teen’s day.
  2. Volunteer together.
  3. Make dinner together.
  4. Solve a problem together.
  5. Attend a music festival.
  6. Talk about the future.
  7. Read the same book and talk about it.
  8. Plan a weekend trip.

How do I keep my 15 year old boy busy?

Perfect Summer Activities for Teenagers

  1. Help Around the House. During the school year, most teens are busy with homework and after-school activities.
  2. Find a Job. If your teenager is old enough, finding a job is a great way to spend their time this summer.
  3. Volunteer.
  4. Get Active Outside.
  5. Get Creative.
  6. Learn Something New.

What can you do when your 16?

16 things you can do when you turn 16: An unofficial and in no way recommended guide

  1. 1) Register to Vote.
  2. 3) Leave Home.
  3. 4) Get Frisky.
  4. 5) Apply for a Passport.
  5. 6) Drink (in extreme moderation)
  6. 7) Join the Army (with parental consent)
  7. 8) Buy a Pet.
  8. 9) Buy a Lottery Ticket.

What should a 15 year old do?

Emotional and Social

  • Consider friends as important as family.
  • Spend less time with parents, and more time with friends or alone.
  • Start to date.
  • Tend to argue.
  • May become sexually active.
  • May be more aware of sexual orientation.
  • Feel things deeply.
  • Try to understand their own feelings.

What is the most fun year of high school?

Although it might not be apparent yet, senior year of high school is the most fun-filled and exciting year!

What should I do in my last year of high school?

Order their yearbook and class ring so they have a way to treasure senior-year memories. Make sure your students complete the application forms for the colleges that interest them, preferably before winter break to leave enough time before the deadlines to gather materials and double-check each application.

What should be on your teen’s bucket list?

Yet another fun thing to do on your teen bucket list: seeing your favorite band in concert. In fact, you can achieve three of your bucket list items in this one go: Pick a date when your favorite band is playing in a nearby city. Gather your best friends and go on a road trip to that city.

Where do you want to go next on your bucket list?

Paris, Moscow, Madrid and London are all wonderful bucket list destinations that we dream of going to one day. In the meantime, make a list of local nearby cities you would like to visit and go for it.

What’s your senior year Bucket List as an antisocial Asian girl?

So here’s the senior year bucket list of an awkward antisocial Asian girl. 1. Go to my first football game. (I’ve never been before) 2. Go to a baseball game. (Surprisingly, I’ve been to a college baseball game before, but we only stayed for the first inning and then left, so I don’t think it counts)

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