What should I bribe in FFX?

What should I bribe in FFX?

Bribe list

Item Enemy Gil x20 Max HP*(Optimal for the original Japanese version)
Lv. 2 Key Sphere Behemoth 460,000
Lv. 3 Key Sphere Demonolith 900,000
Lv. 4 Key Sphere Chimera Brain 196,000
Lightning Marble Aerouge Gandarewa Gold Element Thunder Flan Yellow Element 4,000 2,960 24,000 9,000 6,000

How much does it cost to bribe a ghost FFX?

Full List

Item Fiends Gil Needed
Megalixirs Varuna Xiphos 1,120,000 54,000
Mega Phoenix Alcyone Ghost 8,600 199,980
Mega-Potion Dual Horn B Grendel 75,900 190,000
Musk Buer Evil Eye A Evil Eye B Floating Eye 4,600 6,200 8,600 2,800

Can you bribe for dark matter FFX?

Dark Matter can be bribed from Land Worm, with roughly two dropping for 2,000,000 gil. Though expensive, this is the most reliable way to obtain it. Another way to obtain it repeatedly is to battle Dark Yojimbo (in the International and HD Remaster versions).

How much does it cost to bribe Machea?

Macheas are a great source of Chocobo Wings, as you can bribe them for around 360,000 gil to get 60 of them; Chocobo Wings can be used to add Auto-Haste to armors.

How much does it cost to bribe Varuna?


HP (Ovk) AP (Ovk)
Double Overdrive, Piercing, Strength +10% Magic Def +10%, SOS Shell
Gil Required Megalixir x20

How do I farm dark matter FFX?

Dark Matter has a 1/8 chance of dropping from monster arena creations. This will likely be the first time you’ll gain a Dark Matter as the latter options of getting a dark matter sports a higher difficulty (but much more efficient).

How do you get Varuna in FFX?

The Varuna is an enemy in Final Fantasy X found in the Omega Ruins and in the Nucleus inside Sin. They can often be found in the ruins near the glyph to the Teleport Sphere, or the lower level after Omega Weapon is defeated.

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