What should I eat 2 days before my C-section?

What should I eat 2 days before my C-section?

To help with gas and bloating, eat lightly prior to your elective C-section. Soup, clear liquids, juices, and smoothies are best choices. Avoid meats and dairy, as these tend to cause bloating and heaviness.

What should I eat before my C-section?

Up until 8 hours before surgery, eat as usual. Up until 6 hours before surgery, you may eat a light meal or low-fat snack. Drink lots of clear fluids such as water, juices (no pulp) like apple juice, gelatin, broths, coffee/tea, sports drinks, and popsicles. DO NOT eat any solid food.

How do you prepare for a cesarean section?

In preparation for your C-section, you will be asked to do the following:

  1. Change into a hospital gown and provide a urine sample.
  2. Have an intravenous line (IV) started in your arm or hand.
  3. Have blood drawn.
  4. You may be required to take a clear liquid antacid medicine.
  5. Have your surgical site prepared (shaved).

How long between pre op and C-section?

An elective caesarean section is usually planned after 39 weeks of pregnancy. This is because there’s a chance your baby might have breathing problems soon after birth if they’re born any earlier.

Can u drink water before C-section?

Keep drinking clear liquids until 2 hours before your C-section.

How soon can you walk after C-section?

How long before I can exercise after a c-section? Most people are cleared for exercise at 6-8 weeks after delivery by their obstetrician provided there have been no complications. While you may be feeling more like yourself around week four remember to stick to your post-op guidelines. This is to ensure proper healing.

Can u drink water before c-section?

When can I shave before c-section?

Your midwife may ask you to stop shaving or waxing your bikini area a few days before your c-section. This is to reduce the risk of your c-section wound becoming infected.

Should I shave my pubic hair before C-section?

It’s no longer standard procedure to shave pubic hair, because it could permit unwanted bacteria into the body. (Nor should you shave or wax your own bikini area or abdomen right before a scheduled C-section, also due to the infection risk.) Any hair that might get in the way of the incision is clipped.

How soon can you eat after C-section?

At first you may be asked to only eat ice chips or take sips of water, at least until your provider is certain you are not likely to have very heavy bleeding. Most likely, you will be able to eat a light diet 8 hours after your C-section.

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