What time of year is canola harvested?
Canola is ready to harvest when nearly all the pods are dry and rattle when shaken, pods are pale brown and the seeds are dark brown to black and have less than 8% moisture content.
What month is canola harvested in Australia?
Canola blossom is frequently one of the earliest floral species available to commercial honey bees in the southern areas of Australia, flowering from September to October, depending on the geographic location, time of sowing and general conditions of the crop (Somerville 2002).
How long does it take for canola to mature?
From germination to seed production, the life cycle of a canola plant takes about 3 ½ months, depending on temperature, moisture, sunlight and soil fertility. Canola is a cool season crop. It grows particularly well on the prairies, where cool nights and hot days allow it to develop its unique fatty acid profile.
How is canola harvested?
Direct harvesting and swathing (windrowing) are both widely used techniques for harvesting canola crops. Swathing ensures all pods are mature at harvest and, done correctly can minimise harvest losses due to pod shatter.
Does canola need a lot of water?
Canola is not a particularly drought resistant crop so, in marginal environments, techniques to reduce the risk of moisture and high temperature stresses are critical. In north-westen NSW, it is essential to have adequate subsoil moisture at sowing.
How do you increase canola yield?
Since most soils can have deficiencies of multiple nutrients, mineral fertilizer provides the nutrients needed by the crop. On a site with nutrient deficiency, the application of fertilizer will usually lead to a crop yield increase that is multiple of the yield obtained without fertilizer.
Which Australian state produces the most canola?
WA is the dominant Australian state for canola production, accounting for nearly 50% of the nation’s five year average production of 3.6 million tonnes. WA has a reputation for producing canola with a high oil content, often 2-4% above other states.
Is canola a winter crop?
Winter crops are annual crops sown in autumn and are harvested in spring or summer. In NSW, winter crops commonly include cereals such as wheat, barley, oats and triticale; oilseeds such as canola, mustard and safflower and pulses such as lupins, chickpeas, fababeans and fieldpeas.
How long does canola stay in bloom?
14 to 21 days
Flowering duration Under reasonable growing conditions, flowering of the main stem will continue from 14 to 21 days for both species.
How late can Canola be seeded?
ALBERTA: AFSC in Alberta has extended its recommended seeding date deadlines for yield and quality coverage to June 5 for Argentine canola and June 15 for Polish canola.
How do I know when my canola is ready to pick?
Canola is ripe when the pods are dry and rattle when shaken. Seed is dark brown to black in color at maturity. Stems will still be partly green. Harvest at 8 to 10% moisture.
What part of canola is harvested?
Like hay cutting, windrowing of canola hastens the maturity of the crop, allowing the top pods to be harvested at the same time as the lower pods. By cutting the crop and placing it in a windrow on the stubble, the pods and seeds can dry faster than a standing crop (by as much as 8–10 days).
What happened to canola this year?
This year, the commitment of growers to sow canola was challenged: lack of summer rainfall (stored soil moisture), a late break and plantback issues (e.g. Amine ® or Balance ®) increased risk. This, coupled with the perceived higher input costs of growing canola (particularly in the Mallee), resulted in mostly cereal dominated rotations.
Is hyola 525rt a yield record breaker?
New RoundUp Ready and Triazine Tolerant canola variety Hyola ® 525RT ® was not a yield record breaker, but the technology is very exciting. Expect more varieties to be released with greater yield potential in the near future.
How should I choose a canola variety?
This makes comparing over multiple seasons difficult. BCG has strongly encouraged growers to choose a canola variety based firstly on their weed spectrum and the corresponding canola group (Triazine tolerant, Clearfield tolerant, RoundUp Ready or Conventional). Growers should then look at the specific varieties within those groups.
Which canola varieties were not able to capitalise on the rainfall?
The shorter season varieties (ATR Stingray, IH30 and GT41) were not able to capitalise on the spring rainfall as well as later maturing varieties. New RoundUp Ready and Triazine Tolerant canola variety Hyola ® 525RT ® was not a yield record breaker, but the technology is very exciting.