What tubes can replace 12AX7?

What tubes can replace 12AX7?

You can interchange a 12AX7 with 12AT7, 12AU7, 12AY7 or 5751 as they are all the same pin structure, however they will each give you a different result in your amp. Each of these tubes has a different gain factor, which means some will give higher gain and others lower gain.

Can I use a 12AU7 in place of an 12AX7?

The 12AU7 makes a less ideal swap for the 12AX7, because other factors such as bias come into play, and the mismatch can cause the tube to sound unpredictable and very quiet. You may need to look into your guitar wiring to get the proper resistance load necessary to use a 12AU7 in place of a 12AX7.

Can I replace 12AX7 with 12AY7?

To put it differently, the 12AY7 can often replace a 12AX7 in your amplifier and give you a rich, warm tone with lower gain than a 12AX7. (View our gain comparison chart for similar compatible dual triode tubes). It provides another option for those that want to drop front-end gain and still have warm sweet tone.

What is the difference between 12AX7 and 12AU7?

The biggest difference between these power tubes is the amount of gain they will provide. The 12AX7 has a gain factor of 100, while the 12AT7 has 60. The 12AU7 has the smallest, at just 20. The lower gain of the 12AT7 and 12AU7 also allows them to have a higher headroom, which can provide a warmer and cleaner sound.

How many watts is a 12AX7 tube?

Heater current 150 mA (series) 300 mA (parallel)
Max dissipation Watts 1 per section
Max voltage 300 V

Are all 12AX7 tubes the same?

All 12AX7 tubes have an amplification factor (μ) of 100 (“high-mu”). Ideally, every 12AX7 should yield the same gain when placed in the same circuit. However, in reality there are comparative gain differences among 12AX7s.

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