What was the purpose of the machine that the protagonist was trying to create in The Sound Machine?
The patient’s attempt was to create a sound machine that would allow humans to hear the high-pitched voices otherwise inaudible to the human ear.
What does The Sound Machine in The Sound Machine symbolize?
The Machine Symbol Analysis. Klausner’s titular sound machine, which he uses to hear notes that human ears can’t normally discern, symbolizes the dark underbelly of scientific progress, suggesting that some scientific advancements may effectively rob humanity of its innocence.
What is the climax of the story The Sound Machine?
The climax of the plot comes when Klausner forces Doctor Scott to rub iodine over the tree’s gashes. In the falling action, Scott obeys Klausner’s orders, and the resolution of the plot takes place with Doctor Scott carrying his patient home to recover from the episode that had left him in a crazed state.
What is the plot of The Sound Machine?
“The Sound Machine is a thought-provoking story that invites us to ponder over all things in nature. Klausner is a man obsessed with sounds. It makes him invent the machine that can detect sounds of all frequencies that humans cannot normally hear. He reveals the secret only to his doctor.
What happens at the end of The Sound Machine?
At the end of the story, when the machine gets broken by the branch, Klausner is devastated. Dr. Scott had to hold his arm while trying to take him back home. This perhaps suggests that Klausner had a breakdown at that point.
How was the protagonist of The Sound Machine different from the other two characters and the general public at large?
He is different from the other two characters i.e. Dr. Scott and Mrs. Saunders who take him to be a peculiar person. They both do not show any concern towards nature like the general public at large.
What is the moral of The Sound Machine?
The moral of the story is that unhealthy obsession can result in drastic occurrences in a person’s life. Klausner was obsessed with his sound machine, not once was he seen in the story doing something else. His obsession with the machine kept him aloof from the actual world.
What made Mrs Saunders run to her house?
Mrs. Saunders clearly finds Klausner to be unstable and downright threatening, as she runs into her house for safety. Klausner doesn’t exactly help his case, as he infringes on her personal space, whispers like a madman, and even makes a gruesome analogy about someone cutting off Mrs.
What is the theme of the story sound machine?
In The Sound Machine by Roald Dahl we have the theme of obsession, instability, fear and dedication. Taken from his The Complete Short Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Dahl may be exploring the theme of obsession.
How does Roald Dahl show his concern for nature in his story The Sound Machine?
Answer: The Sound Machine’ by Roald Dahl, published in his collection “The Complete Short Stories” in 1949, is about Klausner and his obsession with sounds. Klausner wants to hear the sounds made by bats, flies and even plants. According to him, the plants make painful shrieking noises when they are cut.
How does Klausner explain his theory to Mrs Saunders?
Answer : When Dr Scott shows inquisitiveness Klausner explains to him his theory of sounds. IT is that there are sounds that are so low-pitched or so high-pitched that human ear can’t hear them. His sound machine can pick up sound vibrations that are too high pitched for receptions by the human ear.
How was the protagonist of the short story The Sound Machine different from the other two characters?
The protagonist of the story, Klausner, was quite different from the other characters and the public at large in the story. He was an eccentric scientist who had an unhealthy obsession with his experiment. Not once was he seen in the story doing something else that didn’t involve his experiment.