What weapons do you get from bf4 campaign?
- Light Machine Guns.
- U-100 MK5.
- Type 88 LMG.
- PKP Pecheneg.
- QBB-95-1.
- M240B.
- MG4.
Where is the m16 in Battlefield 4 Campaign?
Singleplayer. The M16A4 is a collectible found in Singapore. It is found in a dark room inside the repair bay, underneath cardboard boxes.
Can you customize weapons in Battlefield 4 Campaign?
If you are in-game at the deploy screen, click Customize in the lower left corner of your screen. This will open the loadout page where you can change your weapons, attachments or gadgets for your soldier or your vehicles (you can switch between the soldier and vehicles by clicking the tab on top of the loadout list).
How many levels are in bf4 campaign?
seven missions
In total, there are seven missions that make up the entire campaign. Click on a chapter below for a complete walkthrough and video guide on Xbox One.
How long does it take to beat Battlefield 4 Campaign?
When focusing on the main objectives, Battlefield 4 is about 6 Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 14½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
Where can I find the M39 in Battlefield 4 campaign missions?
For more help on Battlefield 4, read our Field Upgrades, Dog Tags Locations and Levolution Guide. The Baku campaign mission has three collectible Weapons: Climb up a collapsed balcony to your left and head straight. The M39 should be inside a locker.
How many weapons are hidden in Battlefield 4 single player campaign?
There are several weapons hidden throughout the different campaign missions. You can check your progress towards collecting these hidden weapons in Battlefield 4’s stats menu. They are displayed next to your collected Dog Tags. There are a total of 16 of these hidden, collectible weapons in the single-player campaign.
How many dog tags are there in Battlefield 4?
There are a total of 35 collectibles (Dog Tags & Weapons) in Battlefield 4. Finding all of them will earn you the Recon trophy / achievement and counts towards “Full arsenal”. The collectibles are divided in two categories: 19 Dog Tags & 16 Hidden Weapons.
What are the collectible items in Battlefield 4?
BattleField 4 has 35 collectible items. They are dog tag and weapons. Collecting them will unlock trophies and give you new weapons that you can switch to every time you access the weapon crates. Collectibles are hidden in unusual locations across the map so it may take a lot of time to find them all.