What will MyCAA pay for?

What will MyCAA pay for?

What will MyCAA pay for? The MyCAA Scholarship pays tuition costs for education and training courses and examinations leading to an associate degree (excluding associate degrees in General Studies, Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies that do not have a concentration).

How many time can you use MyCAA?

Is MyCAA a One-Time Thing? While you can only receive the scholarship one time, you can continue to use the funds as long as you fit within the eligibility requirements. There is a $2000 cap per fiscal year but, if your course and certification costs exceed that amount, then more can be used up to the total $4000.

What happens if you dont finish MyCAA?

Do I Have To Pay Back MyCAA Funds If I Do Not Finish The Program? Those who fail a second time (without a satisfactory grade within six months of the course’s end) will have their MyCAA account locked and no subsequent funds will be offered until the course is completed.

How long does it take to get MyCAA approved?

The review process can take up to 14 business days. Spouses will NOT be able to apply for My Career Advancement Account financial assistance until the ETP has been approved.

What certifications can I get through MyCAA?

MyCAA Approved Career Fields

  • Aerospace.
  • Animal Services.
  • Automotive Services & Transportation.
  • Business, Finance & Administration.
  • Construction.
  • Energy.
  • Health & Human Services.
  • Homeland Security.

Can MyCAA be used for associates degree?

The MyCAA scholarship can be used to cover the tuition of programs that provide certificates, licenses, or associate degrees with a specified concentration or major leading to an approved portable career. MyCAA can only be used on tuition fees.

Can you use MyCAA if you have a degree?

MyCAA does not cover bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degrees, so you could not use it to continue in the same line of education you have already completed. But a course being taken for a master’s degree or doctorate may be covered if the course earns a credential necessary for employment.

Can you use MyCAA and Pell Grant?

Can You Use MyCAA and Pell Grants Together? For military spouses, you can use both MyCAA and Pell Grants if your school accepts both. But MyCAA and Pell Grants together are just two ways to fund your education. There’s always more funding to apply for, especially if a higher-level degree is what you’re after.

Who can apply for the mycaa program?

The school and only the school can apply for the MyCAA program. Spouses can encourage the schools to apply and even provide them the link to the application. Schools are incentivized to secure attendees; however, it is easier to choose a participating school.

What is mycaa for military spouses?

The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts Program (MyCAA) is a career development and employment assistance program sponsored by the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program. MyCAA helps military spouses pursue licenses, certifications, or an associates degree necessary for gainful employment.

How do I contact mycaa Service Delivery Manager?

Military spouses can request to speak to a MyCAA Service Delivery Manager (1-800-342-9647) for any service delivery issue. If spouses have a concern regarding MyCAA policy, MyCAA and Military OneSource staffs do not have the authority to make policy changes.

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