When was the Abdullah Yusuf Ali Quran translation published in English?
Online rendition of the World’s most popular Abdullah Yusuf Ali Quran Translation in English published alongside the original Arabic text, completed in Lahore on the fourth of April 1937. “It is the duty of every Muslim, man, woman, or child, to read the Quran and understand it according to his own capacity.
When was the first English translation of the Holy Quran published?
This website reproduces the Original English Translation of the Holy Quran by ‘Abdullāh Yūsuf ‘Alī (with Arabic Text) that was written between 1934 – 1937 and published thereafter – a copyright awarded to Khalil Al-Rawaf in 1946. The project of publishing … First Muslim Translator of the Quran: Did you know?
Are there any good Muslim translations of the Quran?
There are two other Muslim translations of great merit. But they have been published without the Arabic Text. Hafiz Gulām Sarwar’s translation (published in 1930 or 1929) deserves to be better known than it is. He has provided fairly full summaries of the Sūras, section by section, but he has practically no notes to his Text.
Was Maulvi Muhammad ‘Alī’s translation of the Quran ever published?
Apparently no more was published. Its Lahore Anjuman has published Maulvi Muhammad ‘Alī’s translation (first edition in 1917), which has passed through more than one edition. It is a scholarly work, and is equipped with adequate explanatory matter in the notes and the Preface, and a fairly full Index.
Who was the first Muslim to translate the Quran into English?
In the notes to this copy of the Quran’s translation, Abdullah Yusuf Ali writes, “The first Muslim to undertake an English translation was Dr. Muhammad ‘Abdul Hakim Khān, of Patiala, 1905.
What are the meanings of the Holy Qur’an?
The Meanings Of The Holy Qur’an by Abdullah Yusufali 1. The Opening 2. The Cow 3. The Family Of ‘Imran, The House Of ‘Imran 4. Women 5. The Table, The Table Spread 6. Cattle, Livestock 7. The Heights 8. Spoils Of War, Booty 9. Repentance, Dispensation 10.