Where does buck the trend come from?

Where does buck the trend come from?

Many animals, such as bulls and wild ungulates, will attempt to throw off anyone trying to ride them, by hurling or contorting their bodies. This, too, is a form or resistance or opposition. Trying to ride bucking broncos or bulls is a staple of rodeos–alas! Hence, bucking a trend is simply resisting or opposing it.

What is the bucked downward trend?

to be obviously different from the way that a situation is developing generally, especially in connection with financial matters: This company is the only one to have bucked the trend of a declining industry. Want to learn more?

What does buck the norm mean?

To go against the norm or the current stand of the main population; have a differing opinion from the majority.

What does a buck mean in finance?

Buck is an informal reference to $1 that may trace its origins to the American colonial period when deerskins (buckskins) were commonly traded for goods. The buck also refers to the U.S. dollar as a currency that can be used both domestically and internationally.

What does it mean to spur someone?

to encourage someone: Ambition spurred him on.

What is the meaning of the phrase in vogue?

phrase. If something is in vogue, it is very popular and fashionable. If it comes into vogue, it becomes very popular and fashionable.

What does it mean to bow down under pressure?

: to show weakness by agreeing to the demands or following the orders of (someone or something) I will bow down to no one. The government is refusing to bow down to pressure to lift the sanctions.

Has spurred meaning?

spurred; spurring. Definition of spur (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to urge (a horse) on with spurs. 2 : to incite to action or accelerated growth or development : stimulate.

What does Buck mean UK?

noun. 1The male of some horned animals, especially the fallow deer, roe deer, reindeer, and antelopes.

What do you mean by the word spurred in the poem sweetest love I do not goe?

Answer: 1 : wearing spurs. 2 : having one or more spurs a spurred violet.

What does it mean to buck the trend?

buck the trend. To develop in an unexpected, surprising, or unforeseen way, especially in a way that contradicts recent history. Typically used in reference to financial matters. Although property values in our city are down overall, one neighborhood is bucking the trend and still getting fair market value.

Is the north-east bucking the trend?

With many festivals facing financial problems and uncertain futures, the rockers from Bethesda are attempting to buck the trend. The North-east economy continues to buck the trend and the region is well-placed to enjoy a stronger recovery in the second half of the year. However, many have managed to buck the trend and prosper.

What does it mean when a stock backs out of trend?

A stock bucking the trend is usually a bullish signal when that stock resists a prevailing downtrend in its own industry or against the broad market. This suggests that investors have interest in the stock despite the negativity surrounding its competitors and peers.

How did Calvin Klein Buck the trend on High Street?

Demand for their clothing ranges helped them buck the trend on the high street. Models had already indicated that although the sun and most of its neighbors follow nearly circular orbits about the galaxy’s center, some buck the trend.

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