Where is my local CLSC?
To find your CLSC, you can search with your postal code or call info-santé at 8-1-1. When you call the CLSC, I suggest you be explicit with your demand by explaining what you need.
How many CLSC are there in Montreal?
147 CLSCs
The network offers a wide variety of services including psychological and health services. There are 147 CLSCs spread throughout the province. In Montreal and in the Outaouais, health services are provided by the Centre de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS).
What does CLSC stand for in Quebec?
Local Community Service Centre The mission of the local community services centre (CLSC) is to provide, to the population of its territory, frontline common health and social services, as well as preventive, curative, rehabilitative and/or reintegration services and carry out public health activities.
How do I make an appointment at CLSC Montreal?
CLSC Métro
- Telephone : 514-934-0354.
- By appointment (514-934-0354).
- Without appointment.
- By appointment only via ClicSante.ca.
- Without appointment.
- By appointment.
- Without appointment.
How do I book a Montreal blood test?
For an appointment* at the JGH Test Centre, visit CLICSANTE.ca/CCO/HGJ or call 514-934-8228 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays, excluding statutory holidays, and an agent will help you.
What is Ciuss?
Integrated health and social services centres (CISSS) and integrated university health and social services centres (CIUSSS) ensure accessibility, continuity and quality of services for people in their territory. They are reference points where people can go in case of health or psychosocial problems.
What is the full form of CLSC?
CLSCs (centre local de services communautaires, local community service centre) in Quebec are free clinics run and maintained by the Quebec government. They are a form of community health centre. The network offers a wide variety of social, psychological, and health services.
What does Clcs mean?
Acronym | Definition |
CLCS | Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist (insurance industry) |
CLCS | Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf |
CLCS | Conservatory Lab Charter School (Brighton, MA) |
CLCS | Checkout and Launch Control System |
Do I need an appointment for blood test in Montreal?
For an appointment* at the JGH Test Centre, visit CLICSANTE.ca/CCO/HGJ or call 514-934-8228 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays, excluding statutory holidays, and an agent will help you. *Appointments are mandatory.
How much does a blood test cost in Montreal?
A routine blood workup is between $150.00 – $ 200.00. For clients with insurance, coverage is usually between 80% and 100%. The cost is therefore between $0.00 and $40.
What is the difference between Cisss and Ciusss?
What is the difference between a CISSS and a CIUSSS? Unlike the CISSS, CIUSSS is located in a health region where a university offers a full undergraduate medical program or operates a centre designated as a university institute in the social field.
What does Cisss stand for?
Acronym | Definition |
CISSS | CDC (Centers for Disease Control) Information Systems Support Services |
CISSS | Cisco Internet Solutions Specialist Solutions (computer training) |