Where is the entrance to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

Where is the entrance to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

6550 Gateway Road, Commerce City
ROCKY MOUNTAIN ARSENAL NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE: 6550 Gateway Road, Commerce City, fws.gov/rockymountainarsenal or 303-289-0930. Open daily 6 a.m.- 6 p.m. Entrance is free. A $3 daily fee is charged for fishing, during the mid-April to mid-October season, and anglers need a Colorado fishing license.

What time does Rocky Mountain Arsenal open?

Address: 6550 Gateway Road, Commerce City, CO. The Visitor Center is open Wednesday through Sunday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (closed on federal holidays). Trails and the Wildlife Drive are open. No reservations are needed.

What city is Rocky Mountain Arsenal in?

Commerce City, Colorado
The U.S. Army selected 17,000 acres of farm land just 10 miles northeast of Denver in Commerce City, Colorado, as the site of the new Arsenal.

What animals are in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

More than 330 species of wildlife inhabit the refuge, including raptors, deer, raccoons, coyotes, white pelicans, black-footed ferrets, black-tailed prairie dogs, and bison….

Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge
Location Adams County, Colorado, U.S.
Nearest city Commerce City, Colorado

How long does it take to drive through Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge?

about 45 minutes to one hour
Please note the drive takes about 45 minutes to one hour to complete, the speed limit is 30 miles per hour, and please stay in your vehicle in the bison enclosure, which is marked by signs and a cattle guard crossing. Hiking trails are also noted in the map.

Are there buffalo in Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

The refuge today provides a home to more than 330 species of animals, including about 150 bison and more than 500 deer.

Is Rocky Mountain Arsenal toxic?

Additionally, ordnance (including incendiary munitions) was manufactured and tested, and asbestos and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were used at RMA. Today, it is considered a hazardous waste site according to the Colorado Department of Public and Environmental Health.

Is Rocky Mountain Arsenal contaminated?

Rocky Mountain Arsenal Federal Facility Superfund Site OVERVIEW – Just 10 miles northeast of Denver, Colorado lies one of the largest urban wildlife refuges in the country, an area that only 30 years ago was listed on the Superfund National Priorities List due to being contaminated by over 600 chemicals.

When did Rocky Mountain Arsenal become a wildlife refuge?

In 1992, Congress designated the sites as a wildlife refuge. As cleanup progressed, the Army transferred most of the land to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Can you ride bikes in Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

Bicycles and Class 1, 2, and 3 e-Bikes are permitted on designated Refuge roads and on the perimeter trail. Bicycles are not permitted in the bison enclosure areas. See map for details. The 11-mile self-guided auto wildlife drive takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

How many miles is the Rocky Mountain Arsenal?

Trail Snapshot: Lakes Loop Trail at Rocky Mountain Arsenal

Hike Distance 1.8 mile Round Trip
Duration Approx 1hr+ Round Trip
Trail Type Loop
Seasons All
Dogs Prohibited in the Refuge

How many bison are at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge?

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