Which drugs cause galactorrhea?

Which drugs cause galactorrhea?

Possible causes of galactorrhea include:

  • Medications, such as certain sedatives, antidepressants, antipsychotics and high blood pressure drugs.
  • Opioid use.
  • Herbal supplements, such as fennel, anise or fenugreek seed.
  • Birth control pills.
  • A noncancerous pituitary tumor (prolactinoma) or other disorder of the pituitary gland.

Which antipsychotic drugs cause galactorrhea?

The APDs that were most frequently imputed alone for inducing galactorrhea were risperidone (52 cases and 0.19% of all exposed inpatients), amisulpride (30 resp. 0.48%), and olanzapine (13 resp. 0.05%). In three cases, quetiapine had a prominent role as a probable cause for galactorrhea.

Why does antipsychotics cause lactation?

Typical antipsychotics block dopamine inhibition of the pituitary and cause prolactin rise. Secretion of prolactin by the pituitary is under inhibitory control via dopamine from the hypothalamus. Interference with dopamine secretion or action leads to an increase in serum prolactin.

Which antipsychotics cause elevated prolactin?

First-generation antipsychotics pose the greatest risk of causing this adverse effect; however, second-generation antipsychotics, particularly risperidone and paliperidone, also often increase prolactin secretion.

What is the most common pathologic cause of galactorrhea?

The most common pathologic cause of galactorrhea is a pituitary tumor. Other causes include hypothalamic and pituitary stalk lesions, neurogenic stimulation, thyroid disorders, and chronic renal failure.

What drugs can cause lactation?

Prescription Medications No drugs specifically designed to induce or enhance lactation have yet been approved by the FDA. However, a few medications typically prescribed for other reasons, such as the drug metoclopramide, have also been shown to stimulate or enhance milk production in some women.

Can Ssris cause galactorrhea?

Endocrine and reproductive side effects of serotonergic antidepressants are uncommon and galactorrhea is very rarely mentioned among SSRI-related side effects. Serotonin-enhancing antidepressants may result in a rise in prolactin levels through suppression of dopamine neurotransmission.

What psych meds cause lactation?

Risperidone. Risperidone is one of the atypical antipsychotics most likely to induce hyperprolactinemia.

  • Amisulpride.
  • Clozapine.
  • Olanzapine.
  • Other atypical drugs.
  • Why do antipsychotics cause galactorrhea?

    Antipsychotic medications block the dopamine-2 (D2) receptor via the tuberoinfundibular dopamine pathway, which can result in hyperprolactinemia. Serotonin is an indirect modulator of prolactin secretion.

    Can Vraylar cause galactorrhea?

    Galactorrhea, amenorrhea, gynecomastia, and impotence have been reported in patients receiving prolactin-elevating compounds; however, the clinical significance of elevated serum prolactin levels is unknown for most patients.

    What antipsychotics do not increase prolactin?

    Now we know that atypical antipsychotics such as clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, sertindole, and ziprasidone are not associated with significant prolactin increase.

    How do you get rid of galactorrhea naturally?

    Lifestyle and home remedies

    1. Try not to overdo it when touching your nipples during sexual activity.
    2. Avoid squeezing, pinching or otherwise manipulating your nipples.
    3. Wear clothing that minimizes friction between the fabric and your nipples.

    What is the pathophysiology of galactorrhea?

    Galactorrhea is commonly caused by hyperprolactinemia, especially when it is associated with amenorrhea. Hyperprolactinemia is most often induced by medication or associated with pituitary adenomas or other sellar or suprasellar lesions.

    What are the treatment options for normoprolactinemic galactorrhea?

    Normoprolactinemic patients with idiopathic, nonbothersome galactorrhea can be reassured and do not need treatment; however, those with bothersome galactorrhea usually respond to a short course of a low-dose dopamine agonist.

    What causes hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea?

    Neurogenic stimulation may repress the secretion of hypothalamic prolactin inhibitory factor, which results in hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea. Galactorrhea may be caused by prolonged, intensive breast stimulation, such as from suckling, self-manipulation, or stimulation during sexual activity.

    How common is galactorrhea in patients with chronic renal failure?

    Approximately 30 percent of patients with chronic renal failure have elevated prolactin levels, 13 possibly because of decreased renal clearance of prolactin. Although galactorrhea in these patients is rare, it can result from the elevated prolactin levels.

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