Which is better Pradeep or modern ABC for chemistry?

Which is better Pradeep or modern ABC for chemistry?

Goodreads rates Modern ABC Chemistry at 4.06 whereas Modern ABC scores 3.8 based on student reviews. Generally goodreads is a good measure of what students say on the book. Pradeep’s Physics gets a thumbs up with 4.45 although number of raters are less. Similarly Pradeep’s Chemistry gets a high rating of 4.5.

Which additional book is best for chemistry class 11?


  • NCERT Chemistry.
  • Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon.
  • Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd for Organic Chemistry.
  • Modern’s ABC of Chemistry for class 11th and 12th.
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. D. Lee for Inorganic Chemistry.
  • Dinesh Chemistry.

What is ABC chemistry?

Monoammonium phosphate, ABC Dry Chemical, ABE Powder, tri-class, or multi-purpose dry chemical is a dry chemical extinguishing agent used on class A, class B, and class C fires. ABC dry chemical is usually a mix of monoammonium phosphate and ammonium sulfate, the former being the active one.

Who is the writer of modern ABC?

Modern Abc Of Physics Class – XII (Set Of 2 Parts), authored by Sathish K. Gupta, is a comprehensive book for students studying Physics in their 12 Standard. The book is strictly according to the new CBSE syllabus. It is a two-part book covering all the required topics for the 12 Standard CBSE Physics examinations.

Is ABC of chemistry good for board exam?

Yes, Modern ABC is good reference book for securing marks in boards.

Which guide is best for class 11 CBSE chemistry?

Reference Books For Class 11

Subject Best Reference Books For Class 11 Publication / Author
Physics Concepts of Physics HC Verma
New Millennium Physics Class-11 Dinesh
Understanding Physics D C Pandey
Chemistry ABC of Chemistry Modern Publications

Who is SP Jauhar?

S.P. Jauhar (Author of abc of Chemistry Part-I & II Class – 12)

What is the price of Pradeep chemistry class 11?


Original Price Applicable for All Users Discount by cluesbucks+ Deal Price
₹1730 (₹86) ₹1644

Should I buy SL Arora?

SL Arora is sufficient for boards and then after SL Arora,if you move to DC Pandey or Concepts of Physics (HCV) ,you should be good to go. I would prefer to practice one book multiple times than multiple books one time. And please do go through the graphs,tables given in NCERT.

Which side book is best for class 11 physics?

Reference Books For Class 11

Subject Best Reference Books For Class 11 Publication / Author
Math Mathematics for Class 11 RD Sharma
Physics Concepts of Physics HC Verma
New Millennium Physics Class-11 Dinesh
Understanding Physics D C Pandey

Why ABC of PLUS Chemistry for Class 11 Part 2 & 1?

This set of two modern ABC of plus Chemistry for Class 11 Part 2 & 1 examination 2020-2021 will help the candidates to enrich their knowledge of different scientific reactions involved with different compounds composed of atoms and molecules.

Which is the best book for Chemistry for Class 11?

Dr. S. P. Jauhar’s modern ABC of Chemistry for Class 11 Part 2, published by Modern Publishers, is a comprehensive book for Class XI students. It strictly conforms to the latest syllabus. The concepts discussed in the book are categorized into two parts.

Why study ABC of Chemistry?

This Set of two Modern’s Abc of Chemistry Textbooks will help the candidates to enrich their knowledge of different scientific reactions involved with different compounds composed of atoms and molecules.


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