Which is better Redis or RabbitMQ?

Which is better Redis or RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ handles large messages way better than Redis. It guarantees delivery of messages and thus preferable when you can’t afford messages loss. It doesn’t guarantee the delivery of each message.

Is RabbitMQ pub sub?

2 Answers. Conceptually, RabbitMQ is both: point-to-point as well as pub-sub. You can register your listener application to the topic of an RabbitMQ exchange and receive all messages published to that Topic. So that is clearly ‘pub-sub’.

Is Redis pub/sub reliable?

The Redis pub/sub is not a reliable messaging system. Messages that are not retrieved will be discarded when your client is disconnected or a master/standby switchover occurs.

Is Redis a good message broker?

At its core, Redis is an in-memory data store that can be used as either a high-performance key-value store or as a message broker. It’s also perfect for real-time data processing.

Why is Kafka faster than RabbitMQ?

Apache Kafka employs sequential disk I/O for enhanced performance for implementing queues compared to message brokers in RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ queues are faster only when they’re empty, unlike Kafka that can retain lots of data with minimal overhead. Kafka is capable of processing millions of messages in a second.

Is Google pub/sub the same as RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ and Google Pub/Sub are both powerful and reliable message queue implementations, and if you need to pick one of them for your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project, the choice may not be simple.

Are Pub Subs reliable?

Yes, Pub/Sub is very reliable and highly available.

How does Redis Pubsub work?

Redis Pub/Sub implements the messaging system where the senders (in redis terminology called publishers) sends the messages while the receivers (subscribers) receive them. The link by which the messages are transferred is called channel. In Redis, a client can subscribe any number of channels.

Why RabbitMQ is better than Kafka?

Kafka is ideal for big data use cases that require the best throughput, while RabbitMQ is ideal for low latency message delivery, guarantees on a per-message basis, and complex routing.

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