Which language is mostly spoken in south India?

Which language is mostly spoken in south India?

The majority of the people in South India speak at least one of the four major Dravidian languages: Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. Some states and union territories also recognize a minority language: such as Urdu in Telangana, French in Puducherry, and Bengali in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

How do you write a sentence in German?

Sentence Structure The verb is always the second element in a German sentence. With compound verbs, the second part of the verb goes last, but the conjugated part is still second. German sentences are usually “time, manner, place.” After a subordinate clause / conjunction, the verb goes last.

Which is the easiest south Indian language?

Among whole indo-aryan group,Marathi speaking person will easily learn south indian language,especially Kannada & after that Telugu. Because,Marathi is more similar to Kannada than Telugu. Tamil will be the most difficult language because it is least influenced by Sanskrit.

What is the coolest sounding language?

Earn Street Cred by Learning 1 of the 16 Coolest Languages

  • 9. Japanese.
  • Korean.
  • Portuguese.
  • Russian.
  • Spanish.
  • Swedish.
  • Tamil. Tamil is spoken by nearly 69 million people, most of whom are native speakers.
  • Xhosa. Over 19 million people speak Xhosa, though it’s slightly more common as a second language than a first language.

Which language has more letters?


Which Indian language is the easiest to learn?


Is German grammar easy?

Thanks to regular patterns and easily recognisable rules, German grammar can be very straightforward. Since English and German both come from the same family of Germanic languages, it’s also often easy to see the similarities between the two, which can make things easier.

Which language is very easy in India?

Overall Bengali has the easiest grammar – no genders for inanimate objects (like tree, hand, clock etc) and consistent verb conjugations and a vocabulary very similar to that of Hindi. For a person with no prior knowledge of any Indian language Bengali would be at the top of this list.

What’s the longest German word?

At 80 letters, the longest word ever composed in German is “Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft,” meaning, the “Association for Subordinate Officials of the Head Office Management of the Danube Steamboat Electrical Services.” But it’s a coinage of strung together more for …

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