Which structure helps the testes descend through inguinal canal?

Which structure helps the testes descend through inguinal canal?

This descent or migration movement of the testicles is guided by a cord-like structure called the gubernaculum. It attaches the inferior pole of the testicles to the developing scrotal sac. With the descent of the testicles, a peritoneal outpouching called the processus vaginalis follows the testicles to the scrotum.

What are the borders of the inguinal canal?

It is found within the aponeurosis of the external oblique, immediately above the pubic crest, 1 centimeter above and superolateral to the pubic tubercle. It has the following boundaries—medial crura by pubic crest, lateral crura by pubic tubercle and inferiorly by inguinal ligament.

Where do the testes descend through?

Testicles form in the abdomen during fetal development. During the last couple of months of normal fetal development, the testicles gradually descend from the abdomen through a tube-like passageway in the groin (inguinal canal) into the scrotum.

What are the boundaries of inguinal hernia?

In the inguinal canal, the anterior boundary is the external oblique aponeurosis; the posterior boundary is composed of the transversalis fascia with some contribution from the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle; the inferior border is imparted by the inguinal and lacunar ligaments; and the superior …

What causes descent of the testes?

Each of the two phases of testis descent is regulated by a hormone secreted by Leydig cells: INSL3 regulates the transabdominal phase, whereas testosterone controls the inguinoscrotal phase [6]. Disrupted production of either hormone is responsible for a disorder called cryptorchidism, or undescended testis.

What stimulates the descent of the testes?

Descent of the testis is initiated by gubernacular swelling, which occurs in response to hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans [18]. The gubernaculum first elongates cranially, pushing the testis and epididymis to the inguinal ring.

What is inguinal ligament?

The inguinal ligament is a set of two bands that connect the oblique muscles of the abdomen to the pelvis, deep in the groin. They support soft tissues in the groin area and anchor the abdomen and pelvis. Inguinal hernia is a common problem in this part of the body, especially in men older than 40.

What is midpoint of inguinal ligament?

The midpoint of the inguinal ligament, halfway between the anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle, is the landmark for the femoral nerve. The mid-inguinal point, halfway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis, is the landmark for the femoral artery.

What causes descent of testes?

Descent of the testes is a complex event mediated by hormonal and mechanical factors. At present we hypothesize that testicular descent occurs as the result of the secretion of descendin from a normal testicle. Descendin secretion results in selective growth of the gubernacular cells.

What is the inguinal area?

Overview. The inguinal region of the body, also known as the groin, is located on the lower portion of the anterior abdominal wall, with the thigh inferiorly, the pubic tubercle medially, and the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) superolaterally.

What are the boundaries of the superficial inguinal ring?

Also, the superficial inguinal ring is bordered medially by the inferolateral border of rectus abdominis, laterally by the inferior epigastric vessels and inferiorly by the medial third of the inguinal ligament.

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