Who introduced British education system in India?

Who introduced British education system in India?

Lord William Bentinck
The English Education Act 1835 was a legislative Act of the Council of India, gave effect to a decision in 1835 by Lord William Bentinck, then Governor-General of the British East India Company, to reallocate funds it was required by the British Parliament to spend on education and literature in India.

Why did the British introduced the new education system in India?

It was injected to ensure a cheap supply of educated Indians to increase a number of subordinate posts in administration and in British business concern. That’s why, they emphasis on English as a medium of instruction and also to glorified British conquerors and their administration.

What is the education system followed in India?

The school system in India has four levels: lower primary (age 6 to 10), upper primary (11 and 12), high (13 to 15) and higher secondary (17 and 18). The lower primary school is divided into five “standards”, upper primary school into two, high school into three and higher secondary into two.

How was the British system of education?

The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts, primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in the UK have to legally attend primary and secondary education which runs from about 5 years old until the student is 16 years old.

Did British destroy Indian education?

By 1820, the British had already destroyed the financial resources that supported our educational system- a destruction that they had been carrying out for nearly twenty years. But still the Indians persisted in continuing with their system of education.

Why did the British want English education in India?

British wanted to introduce modern western education to serve their economic interests as English education would convince Indians about the superiority of British goods which were machine made, it would make Indians recognize the advantages of trade and commerce.

How was Indian education system before British?

Before the British, India had its own educational systems like the Gurukulas and the Madrassas. The East India Company, during their first 60 years of rule didn’t care much for the education of those they ruled in India. (Even in England, universal education came about at a much later stage.)

What is wrong with Indian education system?

Lack of Interest. 90% of the education is theoretical with minuscule scope for practical learning and research on the part of the pupils. There is no space for creative learning and thinking and students are always bound to a specific syllabus and are not really encouraged to go out and about their seems.

Who destroyed India education system?

Who give the system of education in India?

The modern school system was brought to India, originally by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay, in the 1830s. “Modern” subjects like science and mathematics took precedence, and metaphysics and philosophy were deemed unnecessary.

What was the education like in India before the British rule?

Before the British, India had its own educational systems like the Gurukulas and the Madrassas. The East India Company, during their first 60 years of rule didn’t care much for the education of those they ruled in India. (Even in England, universal education came about at a much later stage.)

Who introduced Western style of Education in India?

ABSTRACT: Thecurrent system of education, with its western style and content, was introduced& founded by the British in the 20th century, following recommendations byMacaulay. It was earlier originated by William Adam in 1813. He came toCalcutta to know about the structure of Indian education started by ChristianMissionaries.

What was the impact of modern education under British rule?

The Impact of modern education under British rule was severe on traditional Indian education which declined due to lack of support from rulers. The education system helped only a few that were living in the cities while mass education was ignored resulting in widespread illiteracy.

What is the role of Education in the new India?

Education is a powerful tool to unlock the golden door of freedom that can change the world. With the advent of the British Rule in India, their policies and measures breached the legacies of traditional schools of learning which resulted in the need for creating a class of subordinates.

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