Who is Draka Thrall?
Durotan and Draka’s murder Draka birthed Thrall, child of Durotan, shortly before joining her chieftain on his excursion to the southern lands to meet with their old comrade Orgrim Doomhammer.
Is Thrall durotan son?
Character overview. Within series lore, Thrall is the son of Durotan, former chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan, who refused to drink the Blood of Mannoroth and was killed by agents of the orc warlock Gul’dan.
What happened to Thrall after cataclysm?
After the fall of the Lich King and the increasing elemental unrest heralding the Cataclysm, Thrall stepped down as leader of the Horde, appointed Garrosh Hellscream as Warchief, and joined with the shamanistic Earthen Ring to combat the rampaging elements, eventually aiding the Aspects in Deathwing’s downfall.
Who taught Thrall fight?
Thrall learned to read and write from a tutor who was kind to him, and at age six, abruptly began his training in combat. His trainer, a man simply called Sergeant, taught him of mercy and also treated him with as much kindness as he could when Blackmoore wasn’t present.
Does Thrall meet Draka in Shadowlands?
In Chains of Domination, Thrall finally meets up with Draka, now a Baroness for the Necrolords and the acting leader of the Undying Army.
Who is Drakas husband?
Draka was a courageous warrior of the Frostwolf clan, the mate of Durotan, and the mother of Go’el. After her death, her soul was sent to Maldraxxus and became a baroness of the House of Eyes.
Who was Thralls mother?
Warcraft lore afficiandos might be familiar with Draka — she’s the mother of Thrall (the former Warchief and world-saving shaman) who died during the orc civil wars that played out during the original Warcraft real-time strategy games.
Does Draka remember Thrall?
As they returned to Keeper’s Respite, Draka called Thrall by his birth name, thereby revealing that she knew who he was. She asked him who he had grown to be since her death. Thrall replied that he was uncertain about his future, and Draka gave him a lesson: to remember his past, but also to take pride in who he was.
Who is Draka’s son in wow?
In the year 1, Draka gave birth to Go’el, child of Durotan, shortly before joining her chieftain on his secret meeting in Loch Modan with their old comrade Orgrim Doomhammer.
Who is thrall in World of Warcraft?
This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft novels or short stories. Thrall is the son of Durotan, former chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, and Draka. As a baby, he was found amongst the bloody bodies of his murdered parents by Aedelas Blackmoore, commander of the internment camps which held orcs after the end of the Second War.
How did Thrall become part of the Horde?
Once Thrall had found his place among the Frostwolves, Drek’Thar taught him the old ways of the Horde, before Gul’dan ‘s corruption, and soon Thrall was accepted as a member of the clan. A frost wolf named Snowsong eventually chose Thrall as her companion.
Who is archarch Druid Fandral Staghelm?
Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm was a level?? quest giver located at the Cenarion Enclave in the night elf city of Darnassus, leading the Cenarion Circle. A vision from the past was shown during [60] A Pawn on the Eternal Board . When the character responds to the archdruid’s call for aid]
Who are the Druids of the flame?
The Druids of the Flame are a sect of druids loyal to Ragnaros the Firelord, led by his new majordomo Fandral Staghelm. These vile creatures have turned their backs on Elune ‘s teachings and now worship the Fire Lord, Ragnaros.