Who is TD Jakes?

Who is TD Jakes?

Televangelist and bishop T.D. Jakes reaches a devout audience of millions on any given week through his vast empire of books, films, and televised sermons, all broadcast from his home base at the Potter’s House megachurch in Dallas.

Who is Bishop Ted Jakes’ daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts?

He is the founder and senior pastor of a non-denominational church known as Potter’s House. He started the church in 1996 after he relocated with his family from West Virginia to Dallas, Texas. Bishop T.D. Jakes and his wife Serita have five children – two daughters, and 3 sons. Sarah Jakes Roberts is the second daughter.

Who is Bishop TJ Jakes father Ernest Jakes?

His father Ernest Jakes, Sr. was a businessman and entrepreneur and died of kidney failure in 1973. Bishop T.D. Jakes is actually the youngest of five siblings. He is the founder and senior pastor of a non-denominational church known as Potter’s House.

What is Bishop TD Jakes’s net worth?

Currently, as of when this article is written in 2020, Bishop TD Jakes’s financial net worth is said to be about 147 million dollars. Hw owns one of the most popular churches in America, The Potters House.

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