Who is the current President of India?

Who is the current President of India?

Now current President of India is Ram Nath Kovind. Ram Nath Kovind took his charge as president on July 25th, 2017, became the 14th Indian President, appointed by the Electoral College. There is no direct election for the Indian President. The appointed electoral college elects him.

How many presidents of India have been appointed full time?

Since the year constitution came into existence 14 full-time PResidents have been appointed for the country. Now current President of India is Ram Nath Kovind. Ram Nath Kovind took his charge as president on July 25th, 2017, became the 14th Indian President, appointed by the Electoral College.

What are the qualifications to be an Indian President?

Few conditions or qualifications are assigned to be as the Indian President. The qualifications to be an Indian President are given below: He should not hold any office of profit under the central government, state government, or any public authority

What happens when a bill is introduced in the Indian Parliament?

When a bill is introduced in the Parliament, Parliament can pass the bill and before the bill becomes an act, it has to be presented to the Indian President for his approval. It is on the President of India to either reject the bill, return the bill or withhold his assent to the bill.

Who is the head of the state in India?

The President of the Republic of India is regarded as the head of the state of India and the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces. The Constitution of India came into force on January 26, 1950, and Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected as the first constitutional head of the state, the President of India.

How is the total number of votes in the Lok Sabha calculated?

The total value of votes of all the States worked out as above in respect of each State and added together is divided by the total number of elected members of Parliament (Lok Sabha 543+Rajya Sabha 233) to get the value of votes of each Member of Parliament.

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