Who plays krillin in TFS?

Who plays krillin in TFS?

Nick Landis was born on September 28, 1988 in Torrance, California, USA as Nicholas James Landis. …

Why did Team 4star stop DBZA?

Ending of Dragon Ball Z: Abridged However, in 2020 TeamFourStar decided to end the series due to a loss of passion for continuing the show, also citing the current climate of YouTube in regards to copyright as one of the main reasons for ending the series.

Who is the voice of TFS Goku?

Lawrence Simpson, better known as MasakoX is a British voice actor, parody artist, and screenwriter. He is best known for his work on DragonBall Z Abridged where he portrays Goku and Gohan, and formerly Master Roshi. He has also started a six-part series on TGWTG.com about voice acting called MasaVox.

When did TeamFourStar start?

Team Four Star (TFS) is an internet-based entertainment production company founded by Scott Frerichs, Nick Landis, and Curtis Arnott who are the creators of the now-canceled notorious series DragonBall Z Abridged and various other abridged series. Its channel was first created on YouTube on May 25, 2008.

Who was Krillin’s girlfriend?

Android 18
Krillin/Significant others

Where is LittleKuriboh?

LittleKuriboh is the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series, a parody of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime….

Location United Kingdom
Specialty Voice Actor, Editor, Scriptwriter

What does TFS stand for?

Team Four Star (TFS) is an internet-based entertainment production company founded by Scott Frerichs, Nick Landis, and Curtis Arnott who are the creators of the now-canceled notorious series DragonBall Z Abridged and various other abridged series. Its channel was first created on YouTube on May 25, 2008. Works by Team Four Star

Did TFS make a cast list before the series?

Back before they started the series TFS made a cast list all the way to the Buu Saga not taking it seriously. This list would be thrown out later on. Many of the thrown out cast were of friends doing impressions while goofing around on Skype. Some were just put on the list in hope of deterring fans from asking if they could play said character.

Where can I watch TFS play?

TeamFourStar’s gaming channel is where they upload their streams, TFS play (starring: Lanipator, Kirran, and Grant BTW), Renegade for Life (Lanipator voicing Vegeta), Two Syanin’s play (Laniaka Voicing Vegeta&Nappa), Krillin plays (Lanipator voicing Krillin), and Goku’s Gonna Show You (MasakoX voicing Goku and Gohan).

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