Who was Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussain Fadlallah?

Who was Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussain Fadlallah?

Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussain Fadlallah was a prominent twelver Shia cleric from a Lebanese family. Born in Najaf, Iraq, Fadlallah studied Islam in Najaf before moving to Lebanon in 1952.

Is Husayn’s Khilafah obligatory?

„Absorption in Imam Husayn’s affairs (his life and his person, etc.), away from his missionary side is backwardness.“ al-Mawsem, No. 21-22, p. 310. „In the speech on the day of Ghadeer, The Messenger of God (SAW) indicated the preference of Imam Ali’s (AS) khilafah and did not make it obligatory.“

Is Imam Ali’s (as) Khilafah obligatory?

„In the speech on the day of Ghadeer, The Messenger of God (SAW) indicated the preference of Imam Ali’s (AS) khilafah and did not make it obligatory.“ al-Insan wa al-Hayat, p. 257.

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