Why buy a libelle?

Why buy a libelle?

They’re a pleasure to deal with and very helpful if you need spares and/or drawings. The Standard Libelle is pretty much a viceless glider. Handling is light and precise with control forces remaining light at all airspeeds up to Vne, though the trim range is minimal on mine.

How does the automatic Trimmer work on the Libelle?

The automatic trimmer controlled by a button on the control column was developed for the H.201 Standard Libelle. Werk nr. 3 has the automatic trimmer fitted but, in addition, has a variable incidence tailplane controlled by a lever with detents on the left cockpit wall.

Are libelles draft-free?

All Libelles come with both nose and belly hooks and are draft-free due to a fibre-glass disk, held in place behind the nose hook by hex-head machine screws. Ventilation is generally good provided you don’t tape up the 10mm gap between fuselage and lower wing skin just in front of the trailing edge.

What was the first STD libelles to have foam skins?

Werk nr. 182 was the first to have foam skins on all flying surfaces and a modified airfoil for the tailplane. At Werk nr. 321 TN 201-11 was issued that allowed all Std Libelles to be recertified as B series. Recertification was purely a revision to the flight manual. The water ballast system became a standard fitting.

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