Why do I have rash spots on my body?

Why do I have rash spots on my body?

There are many possible causes for red spots on the skin. Some are triggered by allergies, like contact dermatitis, while others are caused by bacteria, a virus, or an autoimmune condition.

Is there such thing as stress rash?

What do stress rashes look like? Stress rashes often appear as raised red bumps called hives. They can affect any part of the body, but often a stress rash is on the face, neck, chest or arms. Hives may range from tiny dots to large welts and may form in clusters.

Can you get a rash from anxiety?

A stress rash is simply a rash or issue with the skin caused by stress and anxiety. A typical stress rash reaction is breaking out in hives, known as urticaria. These are raised, itchy bumps that appear on the infected area and can appear anywhere on the body.

What are the most common causes of morbilliform rashes?


  • Acute graft vs host disease
  • Adenovirus
  • Adult T cell leukemia
  • Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion
  • Barmah Forrest virus
  • Dengue
  • more causes…ยป
  • What is rash with little red dots?

    Petechiae is blood leaking into your skin from little capillaries just under your skin. This blood leakage causes tiny red skin dots, little red skin spots or a pinpoint red rash symptoms to appear. Petechia dots routinely emerge in the lower leg region, but you can experience red spot distribution all over.

    What causes little red dot on the skin?

    Red spots on the skin are a common medical complaint. When the spots occur in outbreaks, they are sometimes termed rashes. Rashes can occur due to infections of the skin, disseminated infections (that have spread throughout the body), allergic reactions, or irritations of the skin. When a red bump or rash is flat, it is medically known as a macule.

    What are the common causes of a rash with pus?

    An infection may cause a rash with pus. The most common causes of a rash with pus include the presence of infection. Pus is a white or yellowish substance that is an aggregation of dead cells. These cells are usually a by-product of the fight against infection taking place at the site of the pus exudate.

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