Why do my sent emails say no recipient?
All it means is: SMTP server is unable to contact the recipient’s server or. The recipient’s email server does not recognize the recipient’s email address as valid on its server (does not exist, deleted, blocked, etc.).
How do I fix no sender email on my iPhone?
Specifically for the ‘No Sender’ bug, what you need to do is force-quit the Mail app in the multitasking tray and then turn off the iPhone completely. Reboot the device and the Mail issue should be resolved. If mail is not being fetched, you can try deleting mail accounts and re-logging into them.
Why does my Gmail say no sender?
Go to Settings > Mail (for older iOS, Mail, Contacts, Calendars) and turn off “Organize by Thread.” Updating this feature often prevents phantom messages from appearing in your Mail app! Some users tell us that they turn off all the settings under Threading–and that works for them.
What does no sender mean?
In certain cases, a “No Subject” and/or “No Sender” message display in webmail as a placeholder. This typically means that a message was removed or has become corrupted in the . GRP data file. If the message was removed from the .
How do I fix sender not in contact list?
Go to Settings > your name at the top > iCloud, and turn the Contacts option off. Wait a few seconds then turn it back on. After this, check the Messages app to see if the contacts are still not showing.
How do I stop no subject emails?
To block email with no subject and no body with a content rule:
- Log in to the Control Center.
- Click on Content.
- Now click on Add to create new rule.
- Select blank rule.
- Give the rule a name; ex.
- Now Select to Apply to “Inbound”
- Leave the “Which of the following conditions must be met:” to “All”
Why does it say sender not in contact list?
If the person trying to send you a message is not in your contacts list, they are an unknown sender and thus their messages will not be available in the standard inbox for the Messages app.
What is an unknown sender?
Usually, the sender, in this case, would be ‘Unknown Sender’ or ‘Unknown addresses. That means you are receiving messages on your phone. But those text messages are not from any valid sender, and the texts don’t contain any valuable information.
How do I block someone on Gmail without sending messages?
You can’t block it (have it automatically sent to spam) without doing so from a received e-mail. But on that same page in Settings you can create a filter that would auto-delete (automatically sent to Trash) any e-mail from that sender.
What is a 4504 message not found?
The “Unknown Address 4504: Message Not Found” is typically caused the enabling of the ‘Block Unknown Senders’ option in the default Messaging application, residual current on the inside of the device or some internal conflicts that render the device unable to receive texts properly.