Why do my sinuses swell when I lay down?

Why do my sinuses swell when I lay down?

When you lie down, blood pressure changes and blood may remain in the upper body longer than it does when you sit or stand. In addition, the pull of gravity on the body’s internal tissues can compress blood vessels in the sinuses. This can cause tissue to swell up, leading to worse sinus symptoms.

How do I stop my nose from swelling at night?

Nasal congestion relief at night

  1. Arrange your pillows so that you can sleep with your head elevated.
  2. Use a humidifier to keep the air from becoming too dry in your bedroom.
  3. Drink clear fluids throughout the day, especially those without sugar, alcohol or caffeine, to keep mucus thin and help drain it from your nose.

Why do sinuses get blocked at night?

Congestion tends to be worse at night because it is harder for the nose and sinuses to drain. This means that mucus pools in the head, making it harder to breathe and potentially causing a sinus headache in the morning.

How do you drain your sinuses when lying down?

Prop up your head so you remain elevated. Sleeping with your head elevated can help drain mucus and relieve sinus pressure. Lay on your back and use an extra pillow to prop up your head.

Does sinus pressure get better when lying down?

The best sleeping position for sinus drainage issues and other sinus problems is to sleep with your head propped up. Sleeping with your head propped up will help gravity naturally drain your sinuses and lower the likelihood of excessive blood flow that can create sinus congestion.

Why does my nose get stuffy at night and in the morning?

If you wake up with a stuffy nose and you don’t have a cold or the flu, you may be dealing with allergic or non-allergic rhinitis. Your nasal congestion could be caused by dust mites, seasonal allergies, pet dander, reflux disease, hormonal changes, or chemicals in your environment like secondhand smoke.

How do you unblock your nose when lying down?

How to sleep with a stuffy nose

  1. Prop your head up with extra pillows.
  2. Try bedding covers.
  3. Place a humidifier in your room.
  4. Use nasal saline rinse or spray.
  5. Run an air filter.
  6. Wear a nasal strip during sleep.
  7. Drink plenty of water, but avoid alcohol.
  8. Take your allergy medicine at night.

How do you get rid of a blocked nose in bed?

What to do right before bed

  1. Take an antihistamine.
  2. Diffuse an essential oil in your bedroom.
  3. Use a humidifier in your bedroom.
  4. Keep your bedroom cool and dark.
  5. Apply a nasal strip.
  6. Apply an essential oil chest rub.
  7. Apply a menthol chest rub.
  8. Prop up your head so you remain elevated.

Does lying down relieve sinus pressure?

When you lie flat on your back, mucus gathers in your sinuses, increasing pressure when you have an infection. To counteract this, prop up your head with an extra pillow. This helps reduce pooling of mucus and makes breathing much easier.

How should I lay to relieve sinus pressure?

“For congestion relief, sleep with your head elevated on a few pillows and maintain a position where your head is above your heart,” Govindaraj suggests.

How do you relieve sinus pressure when lying down?

What does it mean when the inside of your nose is swollen?

Swelling of the nose, either internal or external, can be frustrating and sometimes painful. Swelling inside of the nose can be caused from irritation from an obtrusive object, inflammation from allergies, or nasal polyps. Outside nose swelling can also be caused from allergic reactions or trauma from an injury.

Why does my nose feel stuffy when I Lie Down?

Excess mucous may contribute to a feeling of stuffiness, but the real culprit in congestion is engorged and/or inflamed blood vessels inside the nasal passageways. This is a very simplified explanation, however, as congestion has many causes (more on some of those later). When we lie down our blood pressure…

How do you get rid of swelling in the nose?

Anti-inflammatory: Medications that prevent and treat inflammation such as inhaled corticosteroids are often used to combat the many causes of internal nasal swelling. Decongestants: Medications that reduce congestion and sensations of nasal blockage can help relieve swelling and its associated symptoms.

Why do my sinuses hurt more when I Lie Down?

Additionally, while you’re vertical, gravity also helps your sinuses drain naturally down your esophagus and into your stomach. When you lie down, however, your body doesn’t have to fight as hard to send blood to your head. Increased blood flow in the blood vessels of your sinuses can, in turn, cause sinus congestion, pressure, and pain.

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