Why does a country need healthy active and educated citizen?

Why does a country need healthy active and educated citizen?

For society it helps to create an active and responsible citizenry, willing to participate in the life of the nation and the wider world and play its part in the democratic process.

What are the citizen participation?

Public participation, also known as citizen participation, is the inclusion of the public in the activities of any organization or project. The principle of public participation holds that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process.

What are the roles of the citizen in politics and government?

U.S. citizens have a responsibility to participate in their government by registering to vote and voting in elections. By voting, citizens have a voice in their government and help ensure that the democratic representative system of government is maintained.

Which is better private or government school?

Private schools are definitely better than government schools as they would provide better infrastructure, better teacher to student ratio, have a clean & hygienic facility, provide better environment for students with options of personality development and extracurricular activities.

What are the disadvantages of government schools?

Answer. government schools are not clean properly due that students are facing health problems. teachers are not teaching properly to students. students are not maintain discipline in school premises.

Which activities are supported by the government?

Answer: Education, Roads,Schools,Trade,Transport,Liquor shops,Small scale manufacturing,Fishing,Agriculture, Explanation: Government hold public sectors that owns assets and produce services.

What is the concept of active citizenship?

Active citizenship refers to a philosophy espoused by organizations and educational institutions which advocates that members of charitable organizations, companies or nation-states have certain roles and responsibilities to society and the environment, although those members may not have specific governing roles.

How can you say that provision of education is the responsibility of the government?

Answer. Answer: yes it is because the government is made by people for making adjustment in every field.

What role does government play in education?

Federal Role in Education. Education is primarily a State and local responsibility in the United States. It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation.

What is the advantage of government school?

Answer: Government schools are affordable and they provide the minimum required infrastructure to meet the basic needs. Private schools do not accommodate the low economic group students. Right to education is the freedom for everyone, and government schools provide education to all the children without any partiality.

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