Why does my rabbit have sore eyes?

Why does my rabbit have sore eyes?

Causes. If your rabbit has red/swollen/inflamed eyes, they could be suffering from one of the following conditions: Dental disease – dental disease is a common cause of eye problems in rabbits because their teeth grow so closely to their eyes. An eye infection – commonly known as conjunctivitis.

What does an infected rabbit eye look like?

Conjunctivitis. Your rabbits’ eyes can be vulnerable to bacterial infections. Common infections include conjunctivitis – also called ‘pink eye’ – where the eyes look red and sore with fluid around the rim. For this, your vet will prescribe antibiotic cream or drops.

How do you treat sore eyes in rabbits?


  1. Antibiotic eye drops to treat kill any bacteria.
  2. Artificial tears to keep the eyes moist while they heal.
  3. Anti-inflammatory pain relief if their eyes are very sore or inflamed.
  4. Regularly bathing your rabbit’s eyes to remove discharge.

How do I know if my rabbit has dental problems?

Signs of rabbit dental disease can include:

  1. Lack of appetite (note: rabbits need to eat very frequently to keep their guts moving; a rabbit that has a reduced appetite should always be seen by a vet as soon as possible).
  2. Runny eyes.
  3. Dropping food.
  4. Wet chin or front legs.
  5. Rubbing face.
  6. Facial swelling.
  7. Lack of grooming.

Can humans catch myxomatosis from rabbits?

Is myxomatosis contagious to humans? No. While the myxoma virus can enter some human cells, it is not permissive to viral replication once there. As a result, myxo is not considered a zoonotic disease (which refers to viruses that can be spread from animals to people).

Can indoor rabbits get myxomatosis?

Myxomatosis is a threat to all rabbits but the greatest threat is to wild rabbits. Those domesticated rabbits that live indoors are at least risk but they are still susceptible to it.

How can you tell if your rabbit is stressed?

Signs of stress may include:

  • appearing nervous (freezing, hunched up with ears flat against the body)
  • being excessively jumpy and watchful (bulging eyes)
  • being aggressive to people or other rabbits, particularly if the behaviour is unusual.
  • being aggressive when handled.

How can I treat my rabbits eye infection at home?

Antibiotic eye drops to treat kill any bacteria. Artificial tears to keep the eyes moist while they heal. Anti-inflammatory pain relief if their eyes are very sore or inflamed. Regularly bathing your rabbit’s eyes to remove discharge.

Can human eye drops be used on rabbits?

The eye is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and putting anything into an eye may cause discomfort. However, eye drops and ointments are designed for use in the eye and any discomfort will be slight. Your rabbit may blink a lot or have a ‘watery eye’ for a few moments after you have put the drops in.

What does it mean when a rabbits eye is red?

Conjunctivitis and pasteurellosis are both possible eye infections your rabbits may contract. You can spot these infections if the eye is swollen and red and if some discharge is observed at the corners. Abscesses can occur all over the body and can be a result from the two infections mentioned previously.

What happens if a rabbit has an overgrown tooth?

If a rabbit’s teeth are allowed to overgrow, then this can have adverse effects on its eyes. The rabbit’s tear duct may be blocked as a result and lead to weepy or runny eyes. Overgrown teeth can lead to abscesses forming behind the eye. Often treatment includes both the teeth and eyes.

What happens when something gets stuck in a rabbit’s eye?

When something gets stuck in your rabbit’s eye (such as bedding) or another trauma occurs to the eyeball itself, damage to the clear, outermost layer of the eye called the cornea can occur and an ulcer may result. An ulcer is a hole or defect in the cornea. It could be a small spot or could cover the entire eye.

How can I tell if my rabbit’s teeth are healthy?

If your rabbits have bright healthy eyes, which are wide open, with smooth eyelids, equal-sized pupils and no watery or sticky discharge from the eye, it’s more than likely their teeth are in good condition, too. Teeth can be kept at the correct length by supplying them with a good high-fibre diet of hay, grass and raw vegetables.

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